Natural Foods, Empathic Child Challenges, and Picky Psychic Kids, by Melissa Leath

Here is the July offering for our Kids Growing Up Psychic Series!

Shaheen Miro


Being a young empathic, your child could be sensitive to many external things, besides other people’s energy. Examples could be loud noises or extreme light, clothing that rubs their skin in an irritating manner, pollen and other outside irritants such as weeds and flowers. Carpeting and flooring glue can cause problems too.

Being physically grounded and fully “in the body” are essential tools in dealing with these situations.

So what can help your child stay physically grounded? Food

More specifically, the best food for your child helps your child stay grounded to deal with these outside sensitivities. Since each child is different from their siblings and parents, there are no steadfast rules about what foods are better and what are worse. Each child has special needs. So it is important to learn more about the different types of natural foods, synthetic foods, and junk foods. This may take some…

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