Won’t You Join Me? An Invitation

Hey there! Over the past year, I have started an online journal. It is called A Mystic’s Journal and it is part of an organized collaborative called Substack. Since you are here on WordPress, and part of this Go-Between blog, I would like you to join me on Substack.

The Journal allows me to write about many metaphysical things and my take on them. Sometimes I am at odds with the ‘usual’ understanding of a topic or exercise. And I make it clear how I feel about it. Also, I write about different learning things related to psychic and medium abilities.

I am sure you will enjoy it.

So, this is your invitation. Please go to My About Page to find out about me and what I write https://amysticsjournal.substack.com/about You can click ‘subscribe’ while you are there and sign up for free subscription (or up it with a premiere subscription). It’s your choice.

Here’s the thing: after a week or so, I will be importing emails into my base on Substack. So you will be getting the publication every week in your email box. BUT, if you are not interested, please SAY SOMETHING and I will delete your contact info.

My Home Page — https://amysticsjournal.substack.com/ — and look around. All my articles (journals) are there.

Thanks so much for considering becoming a reader of A Mystic’s Journal.

Landing Page – Doorway

Welcome to Your Landing Page for the WEB online-class, Doorway to Your Spirit Guides

** IMPORTANT. Now that you have purchased your class, please ‘save’ this web page so you can access it in the next few days. It will be available all the time for your convenience. You may also ‘save’ the PDF files to your computer or other device.


The class includes four (4) separate sections. They all are included here on this page. When you are finished with Section 1, then scroll down to Section 2, and so on. Each section has either a video lesson or guided meditation in audio below the given PDF. If you have any trouble accessing things, just email me at melissaleath@gmail.com with you date of purchase and receipt number.

Section 1 Who and Where are My Spirit Guides?

Take your time with this first section. Some of it may be a little meaty. But it is so important for you to know where and who your guides are!

Thought you would benefit from this Awareness Video Lesson.

Section 2 Making First Contact

This section is the meat of the class. So much information packed into it. Also, two videos below the PDF section.

After you have read the above content, then watch this two-part workshop I gave at ULE expo, “Creating Your Power Field”.

On to the second part~

Section 3 – Are You Sure?

In this section, I cover all the doubts and unsure thoughts you might have. If you are doubting your connection, realize that this whole process is easier than you might think.

This following is a Guided Meditation called “Inner Control”.

Section 4 – Deeper Linking

Here I share information on how to create a stronger, more assured connection with your guides.


Thanks so much for taking the online WEB-class! I hope you enjoyed your time here.

How To Regain Your Sacredness

I am introducing a new way for me to share articles and mental musings. I have started to write for Substack posting system. And would love for you to join me there. Just follow this link to the original article you see here. And you can sign up for free to access A Mystic’s Journal, my hub on Substack.

Finding Peace of Mind in Turbulent Times, by Melissa Leath

Experiencing turmoil and difficult times seems to be the norm these days. But there is a soft, simple antidote to help move through it.

Let me first address the turbulent times. (And sorry, I’ll add some of my own.) Then using my experiences as sample remedies, I’ll show you how to use ridiculously easy approaches to find peace of mind.

As my grandmother might have said, “The world has gone to hell in a handbasket.” We seem to have all the ‘feels’ of that unwieldy vision. We have lived through it! Gad-zooks!

We’ve had a Pandemic! (That still is hanging around.) We’ve lost many loved ones, friends, and family as a result. Many have experienced being so ill from it that life itself was on the brink. We’ve had to change our way of living, many of our free expressions, limited access to regular routines and social activities

We’ve had so many mass shootings. So many that another one on the news begins to feel like an extension of the last one. Children in school with guns, random and planned drive by shootings, wildfires destroying a major part of our country, homes, and businesses. Unprecedented number of tornadoes tearing through communities.

Political unrest. I don’t even write about politics since it is so divisive. Beginnings of a new war in an area we are unfamiliar with.

(Go to A Mystic’s Journal on Substack and sign up for article deliveries)

Gee, have I forgotten anything? We certainly live in troubling times. But if we look further, we can see that we live in exciting times, as well

As Charles Dickens wrote in A Tale of Two Cities, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Knowing that we must have a balance (negative and positive) does not make us feel any better, right?

After reviewing all the disasters that we have in common, I can’t help but to continue doing mind-rollovers about what I’d been through just before the pandemic hit. I felt like it was my trip to hell and back without benefit or luxury of lying in a handbasket! Let me share a very, very condensed version with you.

October 2019, I surprisingly needed open-heart surgery! Sure, my energy and physical strength had been waning, but never, ever did I think it was my heart. Turns out I had mitral valve prolapse. That means the valve was not closing when it needed to, and blood flowed back into the heart instead of through my vital body parts. In the olden days it was called heart murmur. Sounds rather benign, right? Not this one. It was on the way to major stroke. I had to get it done or look at a shortened life.

*Honestly, I really am getting to the ‘finding peace’ part of this article. I promise *

The first surgeon was doing his specialty: mitral valve repair. Something went wrong and I was care flighted to the major heart hospital an hour away. Then put on life support, waiting for my body to stabilize. And that gave the new surgeon time to run tests, etc., and determine what to do.

The life support was an extended time, but the second surgery was about a week later to completely replace the mitral valve. It was a success.

But my body was ravaged. It was completely swollen with lifesaving fluids. My muscles atrophied throughout my body. Bodily functions were uncontrollable. There were tubes and holes poked in places I never knew I had.

After a month in ICU and a month at rehabilitation, I was at least functional enough to go home. It took over a year and a half of physical therapy and I still periodically need to use a cane to keep from falling.

When muscle atrophy happens, the muscles do not always come back fully. So, there are many areas in my world that do not function properly. (I will spare the details.)

Here Comes Finding Peace of Mind—

1. Over this length of time, I noticed something. When I got tired, I slumped over, with my head hanging. I know, it does not sound comfortable. But it truly was. It put me in a state of complete relaxation. I did not think, I only breathed. Bliss! First Peace Point: completely relax, even drop your head and breath.

2. I walked so much slower. Yes, mainly so I did not fall. But I appreciated that it was okay to slow down. There was no rush. Rushing brought about chaos. Chaos steals peace of mind. Second Peace Point: Slow your roll. Take your time. You do not have to hurry through everything you do.

3. I only dressed if I had medical appointments. This allowed me to release tension in trying to be everything for everybody. Third Peace Point: be comfortable in your appearance. Cuddle up in your jammies or sweats and watch a movie.

4. I used to go out and grab the mail and hurry back inside. Now I walk around the front yard for a few minutes, or I take a short walk in the park area with my husband. There is nothing as refreshing as a stroll in Nature. Fourth Peace Point: Exercise, even short casual movement will release tension and anxiety.

So, even though we are all upset and frustrated with the world today, we’re able to find quiet, respite moments that will restore Peace of Mind. Look for it, embrace it. Enjoy your ‘best of times’. You will notice the sacredness of your life and the world around you slowly, but surely, moving back to you. Be thankful for it.

This post is free on Substack. (Click here) to go to the article and subscribe!

Subconscious Links

Here is the next chapter of Legend of the Wren. Joseph and Donovan are getting closer to dealing with Life and recognizing each other on a subconscious level.



It took about a week, but Joseph had walked his way into Pennsylvania. With it being summer break from school, it was not unusual to see a small boy walking around a neighborhood or in town by himself or with a group of kids.

Joseph had been able to avoid authorities, sleeping near a cave in the woods at night, and scavenging for wild fruit and handouts that other kids gave him.

Somehow, he knew the authorities would take him away. Perhaps to a hospital, or children’s home or maybe even jail. Although he did not think he had done anything wrong, he was sure that he must need to be with relatives or a family.

The idea of living with a strange family was fearful. He had gotten used to being alone and having the company of the voices in his head, and the comforting dreams of…

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The Aspie Crone: How a Diagnosis Brought Self-Acceptance and Understanding

An interesting article on understanding different aspects of life. And how Crone Energy can influence us.


“Hello. I’d like to cancel the insurance policies I set up with you recently. As I mentioned yesterday, the policy isn’t correct. My condo is only insured for $15,000 under Building Property.”

The insurance agent interrupted, “Yes, we discussed this yesterday. Your HOA has a master policy, and if there is a tragedy, like a fire, then it is up to them to rebuild using that policy.”

“That’s not entirely correct. I own the condo, and I’m responsible for everything from the studs-in, and the patios. That amount will cover the cost to replace the tile and granite countertops, if I’m lucky. What about everything else, like cabinets, drywall, electric, HVAC, and so on?”

“That’s why you’re insured for $50,000 of personal property. It’s the responsibility of the HOA to rebuild.”

“I thought personal property included my furniture, clothing, housewares, jewelry, and things like that.”

“Yes, it does.”

I couldn’t…

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Early Years


Donovan had self-destructive thoughts, was easily irritated, and did things on impulse not thinking through the outcome. Donovan also was suffering from PTSD because of his parents’ neglect. He did not sense a future for himself or plans for his life. It seemed there was no need to make safe choices.

He never understood what relationships were or how to interact with people. His parents gave him no hope in life whatsoever. What was the point? The only grace that saved Donovan is Rocky, a jumble of twisted hair that vaguely resembled a mixed breed street pup.

Donavon spotted this dog on the edge of town one day, shortly after his mother burned the cake. He was feeling really upset and just wandering around with a frown on his face. The frown was felt all over his body and inside too. He just could not make sense of the situation…

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Energies of November

Energies of each month come in with differing vibrations. November enters with a strong vibe, but exhibits in a way that emodies the Bear. Strength can be bold and outrageous; it can be soft and soothing; but November’s Bear comes in with subtle, long-enduring Power.

You don’t have to have huge muscles to be strong. It’s the Spirit and Intent that makes you strong. Knowing that Great Rest and Hibernation is coming, you prepare for it in many ways. Just as the Bear consumes as many calories as possible to make it through his dormant time, you may like to gather High Level Vibrations. Bring things into your life now that lift your spirit. Do the special little things that warms your heart. Sharing connections with friends you have lost contact with, or gather at a backyard fire pit with hot chocolate.

Bear begins to slow down and make every moment count. No extra movement as the weather turns colder. But the belly holds a Fire. Your Spirit is burning hot with lots of love to spare. Direct this Love in all ways, into every level of existence so others (who may be in crisis) can prepare for Winter also.

We not only prepare our lives and homes for the physical winter, but must also make ready a plan of spiritual communion. We ready ourselves for Peace. We Honor all Things of Nature as they prepare…

Strange Travels

Here’s the next installment in my rough draft novel Legend of the Old Wren. Please leave your feedback so I can shift and change or continue with my writing, Thanks!



Joseph still had the name tag pinned on his jacket that was prepared for him at the juvenile agency. Bits and pieces of the past day keep jumping into his head, but still he was unresponsive. There were sirens and flashing lights in the distance. But Joseph did not notice them. He continued to slowly stumble further away from the accident, the social worker, and the foster home she was taking him to.

The field of weeds turned out to be wildflower starts and growth of natural grasses. The new spring green colors were comforting and there was a soft feel under foot as he wandered aimlessly.

With the past week being mostly dry and the mid-afternoon sun beginning to warm the ground, Eastern Ohio started showing starts of trillium and Indian cucumber-root. Mayapple and blue phlox were all around. But it was the bush of honeysuckles along the…

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