Why Do Children See Entities That Are Invisible to the Rest of Us?

Why do children see entities that are invisible to the rest of us?

As we become adults, we develop a different perception of reality. As adults, we are programmed to discard certain images, noises, and feelings as unreal, especially if they are not scientifically proven or socially accepted. Many of us have programmed our intellect to doubt our intuition. Most children have not had the chance to train their perception to correspond with these adult versions.

Many parents teach their children at a very young age to block psychic images. Humans feel better when we all experience things in similar ways. They may tell their children that imaginary friends are not real, and that visions are just bad dreams. This sends a message to the child that they should mistrust what they actually experience, and instead rely on adult reality. It robs children of a sense of self-trust that they will definitely need to find their way in the world.

We all have telepathic abilities and use this as a method of communication to send messages even when we are not aware of doing so. You may think of an old friend that you haven’t connected with in years and in the next day or so you get an email or phone call from them. The two of you connected telepathically (which I like to call the Field of Synchronicity) and this mental “signal” brought about an urge to take action and connect physically.

But many children are experiencing much more than that. They may unconsciously move between both the psychic realms and the physical realms at the same time. They may even recognize parallel universes, alternate realities, and multiple dimensions all layered together at once. They may not be able to distinguish between our familiar third dimension and the many layers of “other worlds”. It becomes difficult to make sense of it all, or to even know that other people do not experience it the same way!

As a result, your child may see spirit beings or entities from other dimensions or realities right in front of their eyes, (not knowing that our “normal” vision doesn’t register this anomaly).

This is not only challenging and confusing for children, but perhaps overwhelming in a more material world where psychic and spiritual phenomena are rarely acknowledged.

Many of these kids are so psychically aware, yet their parents and role models usually are not. So they may develop different types of troubling behaviors to help them cope with their situation, and to teach adults what might be going on with them.

Taken from Does Your Child See Sparkles? Copyright 2013 Melissa Leath

Does Your Child See Sparkles?

I’ve had many people recently ask me about psychic kids and seeing sparkles. So thought I’d remind everyone that my book “Does Your Child See Sparkles? Help for Parents Guiding Psychic Kids” is being used by so many parents and teachers. Not only people with psychic kids, but especially by grown folks that remember having challenges as children.

Empathic and psychic children are seeing things: Sparkles, Orbs, Spirits, and Ghosts. What is a parent to do? Don’t worry; Melissa Leath has it covered. She has been asked by parents about Sparkles (as the kids call them). And she has gone on a quest to find the answers.

This book covers spirit energies, auras, subtle bodies, hyper-sensitive and empathic children and information on indigo and crystal children. There are excerpts from blog articles that started the search for the meaning of Sparkles, along with some of the comments that followed.

Within this book, Melissa uncovers the concept of Sparkles, spirit lights, and other paranormal occurrences and visions seen by children. Are they apparitions or true experiences? Included are exercises to practice with your child, examples to help expand their ability in a healthy and empowering way, and ideas to implement in your families’ daily routine.

“Sparkles” is filled with real life experiences from parents and their children; their fears and victories, along with Leath’s shared knowledge and explanations.

Thanks so much for your interest. Besides the book, you can research Sparkles and Psychic/Empathic Kids here on my blog. ~~Melissa Leath

Some Thoughts on Parenting a Psychic Child

Psychic Ability is more or less within all human beings. Some – especially children and teens – have it to a greater extent than others. Since they are so sensitive, they need the attention that only parental care can provide.

There are many things you can do for your child to help them feel more balanced and in control of their gift.

Know your child. Be aware of their normal activities, how they usually act on a regular basis. Then use that as a way of comparing any changes your child might have. Pay attention to their dreams, any unusual experiences, or changes in their thoughts about things. Review them regularly. That way you’ll have a good gage to go by to know when your child needs your attention.

Study psychic knowledge, learn the lingo, read up on what psychics, especially teens with paranormal experiences go through. Find out about ghosts and spirit entities. Be ready to address any questions your child might have, and be able to talk like you have sense about the situation. Your child always looks to you for advice and information.

By always being honest and “upfront,” your child will respect you and trust what you have to say. If your child is empathic, they might know when you are upset or not feeling well. Don’t try to hide that feeling from them. Own up to your feelings or any health condition if your child asks you about it. I am sure you want your child to be comfortable with their ability to “recognize” or “pickup” certain emotions and illness. If you act like nothing is wrong, then your child will know that it is better to lie about their feelings than to be true to themselves. This definitely is the wrong message.

It makes them doubt their own natural ability to sense what is happening. Develop an open expression of feelings. Create a home where there is permission to outwardly express this vocabulary.

As a parent, you should be able to recognize the validity of what your children are saying. Yes, kids have very vivid imaginations, and try to get attention however they can. But you know when children are telling the truth by the seriousness, honesty or despair in their voices.
There are some who teach their children to ignore their natural psychic senses and messages, and to forget about ghosts and spirits. These attitudes make it confusing for kids. They get mixed messages. Life becomes difficult for them.

Reassure your children that they are not strange or crazy. Investigate your family, and talk with other family members who might have similar experiences to share.

If understanding what is going on becomes too difficult it may be helpful to see a paranormal counselor, or someone who has worked with kids who have gifts. Be sure to attend as a family to show your support and gain understanding.

Excerpt taken from Does Your Child See Sparkles? Help for Parents Guiding Psychic Kids by Melissa Leath (Copyright 2013) Available in paperback and ebook.

Are You A Psychic Kid’s Parent?

Parents Panel Discussion and Spirit Mini-Camp for Kids

I just have to share this with you!

This month, I will be part of two exciting events. The 2nd Annual Parents of the New Kids Panel Discussion (June 24) and Spirit Mini-Camp for Kids and Teens (June 25)

Panel Discussion
If you think you might have one of the New Kids (aka Indigo or Psychic) the Panel Discussion will be of great help for you. The panelists have direct knowledge and hands on experience with psychic kids and their parents. You can ask any question you have including what the signs are, how to cope, and anything else that comes to your mind.

DATE & TIME: Friday, June 24, 7-9pm. HOSTS/PANELISTS: Joanne Franchina & Rose Vanden Eynden. Guest Panelists: Patti Kessler, Melissa Leath & more
PRICE: $45; pre-registration required. Early registrations (by June 4) $40. Register your child for the Spirit Mini-Camp for Kids event and receive a free copy of Does Your Child See Sparkles? by Melissa Leath ($10 value). www.yourinnercompass.com/id220.html

Spirit Mini-Camp:

    Kids Camp

— Children ages 7-11. Kids that are just learning that they are psychic or empathic can learn to use those abilities and share with other kids.
DATE & TIME: Saturday, June 25, 10 am – 2:30 pm. INSTRUCTORS: Melissa Leath, Meredith Melvin, Patti Kessler & Joanne Franchina.
PRICE: $90; includes crystal set (value $20) and class materials. Early registrations (by June 4) $80. Family discount, $5 less each child.

    Teens Camp

— Children ages 12-17. Teenagers who are more aware of these abilities, will benefit. Will address working with energy and connecting with spirit guides.
DATE & TIME: Saturday, June 25, 10 am – 2:30 pm
PRICE: $90; includes class materials. Early registrations (by June 4) $80. Family discount, $5 less each child. INSTRUCTORS: Patti Kessler, Melissa Leath & Rose Vanden Eynden.

I hope to see you there!
Melissa Leath

Psychic Children and Dreamtime Adventures, by Shaheen Miro


This article is another great addition to our “Kids Growing Up Psychic” Series

Dreams, nightmares, and other curious experiences are common for psychic children. When you are sleeping you become open, and receptive to the unseen world. The protective guards that have been thrown up now come down, and it is easy to navigate the invisible world. For the psychic child this is playtime.

Sleep is a time for the body to rest, and actually allows the logical mind to shut down, so that the intuitive self can come through. This is why most psychic children have flamboyant and other worldly dreams. As your psychic child is sleeping, he or she is exploring the levels of the astral world, and connecting with their psychic wisdom.

Some parents will fear these experiences because they feel unable to help their child. Especially when these experiences are frightening, such as nightmares, or strange visitors. But they are all natural experiences for each person, and especially the psychic child. Do not fear this, rather embrace and encourage this!

As a child, and even now I explore the levels of the astral world. The astral world being the energetic levels that make up the physical world, and beyond. There are many levels and layers of the astral plane. Some of these levels are where different spirits reside, and what we would commonly call, Heaven or the Other Side. Other levels mirror reality, and the different thought-forms that are being projected into it.

Some levels of the astral world are purely play… alternate realities created by the imagination. The dark realms tend to be places where negative thought-forms exist, and this is often what we experience as a nightmare.

Children are curious by nature, and the psychic child has a free pass to explore all the different levels of the astral world, and to be receptive to any psychic information that is being sent their way.

Energy is vibration. All vibration happens at a certain frequency. Your psychic child is vibrating at a frequency that allows them to not only access certain planes of existence, he or she vibrates at frequency that allows them to tune into infinite wisdom that is blooming in the atmosphere open to anyone who can tap into its message.

Why do we dream?

Dreamtime is a way of tapping into the fertile world that lies just beyond our consciousness. Everyone dreams to gain some kind of clarity or insight. In my experience I have found a few types of dreams.

Problem Solving dreams are dreams that allow us a creative platform to work through issues, gaining insight and clarity about whatever seems to be troubling the person. Psychic children are constantly inundated by information, thought-forms, and energy that may not be their own. On top of this they are regular children; Children who have mundane issues.

These are the types of dreams we all experience. Since we are not open enough in waking life to experience this kind of clarity, dreamtime offers us a timeout from “reality” to work through issues.

Purging dreams are a unique way to not only work through issues, but to also clear out the junk that is in our minds. Psychic kids experience this a lot as nightmares. Recall the frequency analogy. Your child is vibrating at a rate that allows them to purge these negative, or pent up energies… and often times will be followed by colorful, and frightening sights.

I always imagine these negative things existing somewhere in the Universe that contains them for safe keeping, when we have nightmares we may actually be visiting that place… thus releasing and containing them there for safe keeping.

Prophetic dreams are very common for psychic children because they are so open, that they are actually accessing the information that is happening around them. This is how they tend to know things that they shouldn’t. This can be information about the future, or a place in which they are not, or even past life information.

Astral Dreams are any type of journey that happens in dreamtime. An astral dream could take the shape of any of the above dreams. But most often this will be an experience of leaving the body, and traversing the wonders of the Universe.

Children are especially good at astral dreams, or astral projection because they are not afraid to explore, and they are more use to being out of their bodies, rather than in. This could be because they are new to the world, not quite settled into the “rules” of being here.

Astral dreams can be simple, or very complex. I astrally project often. When I astrally project it can be as simple as being in the room I am sleeping in, or visiting people who are in other places. Or they can be more in-depth, part real world, and part other world.

Dreaming is something that you cannot really explain with clear rules, and regulations. The different types of dreams listed above may overlap one another. There is no way to clearly define them. They may all be happening at the same time. But rest assured that it is a normal experience for the psychic child, and for all of us if we would allow it!

Crystals for Safe Astral Travel

Astra travel, and dreaming can sometimes be frightening to both parents, and psychic children. If your child seems to be having these dreams and you are unsure how to help, creating a safe environment for sleep will add to their sense of security.

Make sure your child has a safe room, free of clutter, or distraction. Any strange lights, toys, or shadows that may appear in the room should be avoided. Keeping things in an area specifically for play is a good option. Even having a nightlight can help your psychic child because it will be a touchstone for them knowing where they can return to when they leave their body.

Crystals are a favorite for children because they can sense their unique vibration. Crystals hold a special energy that can be used by anyone who taps into it. This can offer a special tool for psychic children in dreamtime. Especially for astral travel when your child may be wondering about it.

I suggest using a hematite and amethyst. Hematite is a grounding stone, and creates a special aura of protection. It will keep your child from floating about aimlessly, and allow them to filter through any energies that may be troubling them.

Amethyst is a protection stone, but it works in a unique way that activates the psychic senses. It opens them in a way that brings clarity and understanding. This will be good for your psychic child, as it will help them make sense of what they are experiencing without shutting them off from it.

You never want to shut your psychic child down from their experiences; this will create feelings of fear, guilt and alienation. You want your psychic child to use this gift, and to cultivate a positive connection with it so they can navigate the world fully in their spirit.

Use these stones by placing them near your child’s bed, under their pillow, or tucked somewhere safely under the bed. You can explain to your child that these are magical rocks that give them powers in dreamtime. Remember imagination is one of the most powerful tools for the psychic child.

Dream Pillows for Nightmares

Dream pillows are a special way for soothing your psychic child. Scent has a powerful effect on the psyche, and helps to cultivate certain experiences. Not only are herbs and botanicals powerful for aromatherapy, they also work with the subtle vibrations of the aura.

If your child is having nightmares or sporadic dreaming, create a beautiful dream pillow for them. A dream pillow is a small pillow filled with herbs and botanicals for a certain purpose. This can be an elaborate decorated pillow, a small square of sewn up muslin, or a sachet made of cheesecloth.

When creating a dream pillow you want to use all natural and organic ingredients. Be mindful of your child if he or she has allergies or an allergic reaction to specific plants. Clearly those are not things we want for our psychic children while sleeping.

Mix together in a small pouch the following:

¼ cup rose petals
¼ cup lavender flowers
¼ cup mugwort
¼ cup mint
¼ cup chamomile

You can mix and match these herbs as you see fit. Sometimes using only 3 of the above herbs is necessary. Once you have found the right combination, stitch up the open end of your pouch.

Hold the dream pillow and infuse it with positive intention. Intention is how we direct, and affirm our energy. Setting an intention of peaceful sleep for your psychic child will guide them into dreamtime safe and sound.

Tuck the dream pillow pouch safely inside the pillowcase of the pillow they use most frequently. You can refresh the herbs once a month, or as you see fit. This can be a fun process to do with your child as well. Pull out the art supplies and make fantastic pillows together!

Has your psychic child had any interesting dreams? Maybe a visit from a relative who has passed? Or maybe recounting an outlandish world somewhere beyond the stars?

Listen to these dreams… there is wisdom in them! And be sure to share with us. We would love to hear your psychic child’s dreamtime adventures… and maybe we can help shed light on anything that is particularly confusing.

About Shaheen Miro

Shaheen Miro is an intuitive reader, energy worker, fashion designer, artist, writer and spiritual nomad. Shaheen coaches people to live more consciously through spiritual practices such as spiritual cleaning, protection, and intuitive development. He is also the creator of, Shaheen’s Tattered Nomad Oracle. To read Shaheen’s writing or to learn more about Intuitive Consultations visit his Website.

© Shaheen Miro 2015

Creating Sacred Space: Exploring Your Secret World, by Shaheen Miro

ShaheenBlogKids Growing Up Psychic Series — Creating Sacred Space: Exploring Your Secret World, by Shaheen Miro

Creating sacred space springs from a deep-rooted need in each person to retreat, for a safe haven to relax, unwind, and re-connect. Finding sanctuary is something we all search for at different moments in our lives, it is an instinctual desire to recharge our spiritual battery by connecting with our higher self, and Divine energy.

As your psychic child progresses, becoming more aware of their abilities, and of their identity in the “real” world, the need for sacred space becomes essential. Moments of solitude, and retreat will give them opportunity to slough off accumulated energy, grounding and centering them, and keeping them protected. Having a sacred space to call their own gives your psychic child a sense of ownership, which empowers them.

Children have very vibrant, glowing auras, like a lantern on a dark night. The aura of a psychic child is a little more vivid, as they are open to many levels of the subtle worlds. This light catches the attention of many types of energy, some intentional, and others unintentional.

Being inundated by energies, impressions, and psychic experiences can exhaust your child on a mental, emotional and spiritual level. Creating sacred space, and spending time in stillness will disentangle them from these overwhelming energies. At its core, sacred space is a form of psychic protection.

Sacred space can come in many forms. It can be a physical place that your child goes to whenever they like. It can be a space that they learn to create wherever they need to… outside, in their bedroom, in a play area. Or it can be a mental place that they can daydream in. I prefer to do all 3!

Creating Sacred Space

Creating a permanent form of sacred space can be a rewarding experience for you and your child. This is an exercise in self-expression. Your psychic child will gather the things that he or she sees fit for this sanctuary, and in doing so they will go deeper into their spiritual world.

Find a space where your child can establish a permanent sanctuary. This can be a corner in their bedroom, a small office, or a playhouse. It doesn’t have to be big, just enough space for them to gather their things, and spend some quality time.

Part of the sacred space experience is for your child to have freedom to choose what goes in, and what doesn’t. Make sure you are comfortable with this process. Obviously within reason! But this process allows them to establish a strong energetic connection with the space. Creating a unique energetic blueprint that fits their natural vibration.

Once you have identified the space you will want to physically clean the area, and then spiritually cleanse the area. Try sage smudging or spraying rose water in the space. One form of spiritual cleansing children love is making sounds… bang a drum, play the tambourine, ring bells, and sing in the space!! This will break up the old energetic pattern and begin to reestablish the space.

Now is the fun part! Allow your child to pick their favorite things to go in the space. Blankets, toys, artwork. Whatever speaks to them! I find adding any kind of artwork that your child has created establishes a wonderful aura of peace, and feeds their imagination.

Explain to your psychic child that this is their area to explore, play and even relax. You may want to spend some time in there with him or her.

Try talking to them in the space. Color, and paint there. Create mandalas. Do guided meditations. Read stories in the sacred space. Take naps here. Say your evening prayers. You want this to be there go to space when they need to go inward!

Even when your child is sad, or angry, suggest that he or she go into their sacred space and think, or color, or play

Sacred Space On the Go

Consider a way for your child to make sacred space even when they are traveling, or at a relative’s house. This will instantly ground their energy, and give them a way of slowing down, and working through any energetic information they are receiving.

Your child may already do this in the form of carrying around a special blanket, stuffed animal, or wearing a favorite outfit. This is a way for your child to establish their energy in places that feel foreign to them. Keep this in mind when approaching the subject.

Get on board with your child’s favorite blanket or stuffed animal. Talk to him or her about the object. Help them make a conscious connection between the object, and their form of sacred space. Ask them what the object means to them? Ask how the object makes him or her feel?

Objects take on an energetic pattern that feels safe, and familiar to your child. This object becomes a type of amulet of protection, and security. Their connection to this object becomes both psychological, and psychic. I find this especially with stuffed animals.

Introduce your child to stones and crystals. Children are very sensitive to the natural world, and working with stones becomes very rewarding to them. They have an instant way of linking into their energy. And they can benefit from their properties very well because they are much more open, and receptive.

Take your psychic child to any local crystal shop, and allow them to interact with the small, tumbled stones that you find there. Ask them to pick out two or three that really speak to them. Make note of the names, and energetic meanings for your personal records. Though that may not really concern your child… they know what they need on a very deep, honest level.

You can even gather the stones in a small bag, traditionally called a medicine bag. This can be worn by your child around their neck, or tucked into their backpack or travel bag. They can play with the stones and even tuck them under their pillow before bed.

These stones elicit, and establish a certain energetic field around your child. The more he, or she works with them, the stronger the link becomes. Whenever your child is traveling, they can pull these crystals out and instantly connect and create sacred space.

As a child I was introduced to medicine bags. I use to gather little objects, some given to me, others found in nature. I would place them in my medicine bag and carry them with me. It gave me a sense of belonging, connecting me to my inner world. I always felt safe with my trinkets.

Be sure to ask your child about their crystals. Ask them who they crystals are, and what they do? See what answers you get. This is an insightful way to understand energy. Psychic children a very wise because they have no reason to sensor their impressions.

Trees, and large boulders are great for children to establish temporary sacred space. Trees especially love children, and often call them energetically… which is why many children climb in them, sleep in them and hug them. As a child I had a tree friend, whom I spent many afternoons with!

Be sure to allow your child to use their imagination here. Ask questions… what is the tree’s name? What is the rock’s name?

Exploring Inner Sacred Space

Imagining a special place in your minds eye is a pretty common meditation technique. This form of internal sacred space creates an area for your child to go whenever they want. If they cannot sleep, or if they are feeling particularly out of sorts they can close their eyes and go to their inner world.

Rainbow Tree Meditation

Stand tall. Stretch out your arms, and legs. Your fingers and toes. Stand in the form of an “x” as if you are going to do some jumping jacks. Tighten all your muscles, and limbs. Then release them. Now you feel little prickles tingling around your body.

Now sit cross-legged, or lie down on the floor. Close your eyes and let yourself slip into a gentle breathing.

Let your belly rise, and fall. Count your breath. Breathe in, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Breathe out, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Do this for a bit to create a rhythm.

Let your whole body feel at ease. You can twitch and move if you need. Just relax.

In your mind you begin to see a long, winding path. It goes deep into the woods. On either side of the path you see large trees, plants, and all sorts of beautiful flowers blooming.

Make your way down the path before you. Wander curiously into the woods. Take in the all the colors and sounds. Smell the flowers.  Touch the trees. Taste all the sweet fruit that lines the path.

Eventually you will come to a large tree. Much taller and older than all the others. It’s leaves glow with a golden light, and it has flowers, fruits and leaves of every color. This is the Rainbow Tree. Give her a big hug!

Now make your way around the Rainbow Tree’s trunk. Wander around her trunk doing two or tree circles around. Finally come back to the front of the tree. Knock tree times and wait.

In a few second a secret door will open in the trees trunk. Step inside. This is your special, sacred space. This is your place to play, imagine and create. Begin to explore this place. What does it look like? What does it smell like? What sounds do you hear in your secret world?

Imagine all the things you want here. Anything your heart desires can be here. Your favorite foods. Your favorite music. Your favorite books, and art. You can have your favorite toys here. However you want it to look in this secret world is up to you!

Whenever you want something to happen here… just imagine it. Poof… there it will be. Or use your magic wand, or your special crystal. Or just say, “I want…”  Let your sacred space be whatever you want it to be!

Come here as often as you like.

When you are ready to leave. Go back through the door, out the tree trunk, and gently close it. Hug the rainbow tree, and walk around it 3 times. Say thank you, and goodbye.

Now begin to make your way back down the path to where you began. And when you are ready, wiggle your toes, and move your fingers. You can open your eyes gently, and come back from your adventure.

Remember your psychic child has a beautiful gift, and the most important thing for them to learn is to be confident, and secure in their own identity. This will allow him or her to use this gift confidently. Playing and imagining are essential for exercising these psychic muscles.

Try creating your own sacred space as well! Explore the psychic world together.

Until next time…

About Shaheen Miro

Shaheen Miro is an intuitive reader, energy worker, fashion designer, artist, writer and spiritual nomad. Shaheen coaches people to live more consciously through spiritual practices such as spiritual cleaning, protection, and intuitive development. He is also the creator of, Shaheen’s Tattered Nomad Oracle. To read Shaheen’s writing or to learn more about Intuitive Consultations visit his Website.

© Shaheen Miro 2015




Spirit Mini-Camp for Kids!

PsyNightJoanne Franchina of Inner Compass, and Rose Vanden Eynden of Light Journey Enterprises, are thrilled to announce a brand new event: a one-day summer camp for children that introduces them to the joys of working and playing with energy and Spirit!

SPIRIT MINI-CAMP FOR KIDS (Ages 7-11) http://yourinnercompass.com/id221.html

This one-day event is a fun and interactive “playshop” for children. It encourages intuitive and energetic awareness, and teaches them simple and practical ways to work with their natural gifts.

The classes offered are:

  • Energy Awareness Tool Box with Melissa Leath.  This Tool Box has umbrellas, waves of color, clothes hangers, and super heroes.  You will find out how to: open and close your energy field for protection, know when you are feeling someone else’s emotion, recognize energy flow and boundaries, and use the ultimate trick to tune out other people’s thoughts.
  • The Crystal Palace with Patti Kessler.  What if crystals are our friends and like to play, and help us heal ourselves and Earth?  Go to the Crystal Palace and meet the people who live there.  Explore ways to use crystals for healing.  Receive your own special set of crystals to continue exploring healing and designing grids at home.
  • Spirit Art & Spirit Guides with Gerry Beard & Rose Vanden Eynden.  Spend a little time meeting and playing with one of your very own spirit helpers.  Feel their special energy when you create an art project with them, and find out how you can connect with them every day.
  • Astrology Super Powers with Meredith Melvin.  You can learn a lot from your birth date in Astrology!  Explore your Super Power strengths, find your Kryptonite so you can work around any weak spots, and learn about the people in your life and how to get along with them.
  • Drum Circle with the Whole Crew.  Find your rhythm and anchor everything you learned today, as we make a joyful noise to end our day together!

DATE & TIME: Saturday, June 20, 10 am – 2:30 pm (includes a short break for lunch).

WHO CAN ATTEND: Children ages 7-11, or entering grades 2-6 this year.  Please see pre-requisite below. *

WHAT TO BRING:  Packed lunch (refrigerator on premises).  We will also have on hand bottled water and juice, as well as fruit and a few light snacks.

PRICE: $80; includes crystal set (value $20) and class materials.  Family discount, $5 less each child.  Please Note: Space is limited, and there is both a minimum and maximum number of participants required to hold this event. 

INSTRUCTORS: Melissa Leath, Patti Kessler, Gerry Beard, Meredith Melvin, Rose Vanden Eynden & Joanne Franchina.

* PRE-REQUISITE: Our mini-camp is for the kids, but before for your child can attend, we want to see you—their parent or guardian—at our event, Parenting the “New Kids”

http://yourinnercompass.com/id220.html (or see below) –so you’ll know what your child will be learning and get helpful tips on how to support them at home.


psyCampPARENTING THE “NEW KIDS” Presentation & Panel Discussion with Melissa Leath, Patti Kessler, Joanne Franchina, Rose Vanden Eynden & More

Is your child’s imagination unusually active—playing with imaginary friends, seeing angels, talking to Grandpa (who passed away a year ago)?  Does your child seem to have uncanny abilities—knowing that someone far away is sick or sad, talking about things happening before they happen?  Is your child highly sensitive—with physical or emotional symptoms that come and go for no apparent reason, and the doctor is baffled?  Have you heard of Indigo, Rainbow, or Crystal children, and wonder whether there could be something to this, and could it apply to my child?

If so, you’re not alone.  Many of today’s parents have stories about their kids having “paranormal” experiences.  And many practitioners in the spiritual, holistic wellness, and metaphysical fields would agree that more and more children these days seem to have abilities that were considered rare only a few decades ago.

This evening, you will hear a presentation and participate in a moderated, interactive panel discussion.  This is a rare chance to get answers to your questions from a variety of perspectives—including experienced metaphysical practitioners who are passionate about helping society’s young people learn how to work with their natural intuitive and energetic abilities, and panel members who are not practitioners but have been there before you—so you can feel more comfortable and confident about what may be happening with your child, and so you can learn how to help the young people around you as they grow up with these spiritual gifts.  Whether your child is very young, or a young adult, you will leave with a better understanding of how you can support them.

Friday, June 19, 7-9 pm

PRICE: $45; pre-registration required. Early registrations (two weeks prior to the session) $40.  Register your child for the Spirit Mini-Camp for Kids event on or before the day of your Parenting event and receive a free copy of Does Your Child See Sparkles? by Melissa Leath ($10 value).

HOSTS/PANELISTS: Joanne Franchina & Rose Vanden Eynden.  Guest Panelists: Patti Kessler, Melissa Leath & more.

NOTE: This event is open to any interested adult.  It is also a pre-requisite if you want to register your child for the Spirit Mini-Camp for Kids at Inner Compass—the camp is for the kids, but before your child can attend, we want to see you at this Parenting event so you’ll know what your child will be learning and get helpful tips on how to support them at home.

* All information here is taken from Your Inner Compass.com by Joanne Franchina as a means of letting you know about these events. All materials are copyrighted by Joanne Franchina. *



What Are the “New Energies” Like?



Are you experiencing unusually strange symptoms? Do you find it difficult to sleep? Or do you have high anxiety? Are you confused at odd times, or lose time?

You might be experiencing the shift of the New Energies. Listen to this podcast on Talktainment Radio aired on Monday, May 18 with hosts Tammi and Larry Rager and guest Melissa Leath.


Click and Listen

Be sure to turn up your speakers!

Please post your comments below….. what kind of symptoms do you have?

Melissa Leath http://www.melissaleath.com

Befriending Spirit Guides (Imaginary Friends Aren’t Make-Believe) by Shaheen Miro


Kids Growing Up Psychic Series

~~ Melissa’s Note~ Shaheen has done it again! He has shared another concept dealing with psychic children. This is the next installment of our series Kids Growing Up Psychic. ~~

Every person is born into this life with a beautiful collective of celestial helpers. These are our spirit guides, angels, loved ones, and ascended masters. Some of them are always present, and others float in and out of your life when they’re needed.

As a beautiful glowing ember in the universe, your psychic child has a special connection to the spirit world, meaning their celestial helpers are much more accessible to them. You may find your child talking and playing with an “imaginary friend”, or recounting elaborate stories with their “imaginary friend”.

This friend is probably not imaginary at all… it is his or her spirit guide! Pay attention to the stories, and the encounters your child is having with their friend. Listen to the details of their appearance, and even their name. These details are not just make-believe; they are very real things that your child is experiencing with his or her psychic senses.

What are Spirit Guides?

Every person has a spirit guide! Your child’s spirit guide is a wonderful, life long friend. A friend that will never waiver or leave. The friendship of a spirit guide is a powerful, soul level connection. A spirit guides sole purpose is to guide your child on their life path.

Your psychic child’s unique perspective of the world allows their spirit guide to be much more accessible. This is a gift because they can talk, communicate and really get to know each other. If this is cultivated, and nourished it can continue, like all aspects of psychic unfoldment, into adulthood.

A spirit guide will watch over, guide, and protect your child. A spirit guide will disperse spiritual insights, and synchronicities into your child’s life. A spirit guide has a unique understanding of your child’s life path, and what he or she is meant to fulfill.

The powerful thing about a spirit guide is their unique vantage point on life. They are not all knowing, nor are they without opinions. But they do see things more clearly and they remain much more objective. This relationship will help your psychic child feel more safe, grounded and connected as he or she moves through life.

How to recognize the presence of your child’s Spirit Guide

Your child’s spirit guide will show up when he or she needs them the most. Guides often appear when there is extreme changes, stress, or something unsettling ahead. They also appear when a child is “losing time” or engrossed in their own little world of play and imagination.

Sometimes a child will hear their name being called, either from a distance, or right before sleep. This is typically a guide trying to get their attention. It isn’t something to be alarmed about. Always ask the question, “Does it sound friendly?”

Guides will sometimes appear as flashing lights, sparkles, bubbles, or other glimmers of light, and color. When I see spirit guides they usually appear as blue or white lights. Shadows or silhouettes can be the presence of a sprit guide as well ( I would do a little more investigation).

Dreams are a common meeting place between your child and their spirit guide. Dreams usually become doorways to the astral world, meaning that your child can explore other places, times, and different facets of the Other Side. Many stories have been told of a child visiting the Other Side with their guide showing them all around.

Your psychic child probably has a good idea of their spirit guides name, and appearance. Ask them who their friend is, and what they look like. See what details they give you. They usually have a name instantly!

Spirit Guides name and appearance

It isn’t uncommon for a guides name to be the same as your child’s, or to be some other name that you or your child favors. Really a guide doesn’t mind the name used to call them. They just want to develop a working relationship with your child to best help them.

Spirit guides tend to appear in one form, but they can change that as well. If they are seen as a sparkling light, they can also be seen in a human form. But some spirit guides will choose to visit as an animal, or some other creature. It is all about what your psychic child, and the spirit guide feels safe with.

That is the foundation of the spirit guide relationship… feeling safe. A spirit guide is a friend, protector, and guide. If your psychic child is feeling uneasy about their friend then you should explore more.

Remind your child that they can ask their spirit guide to come however they wish!

Some children will even cling to a favorite stuffed animal…which becomes a life line to the spirit guide. There is energy in everything… so take this into consideration when exploring your psychic child’s actions.

Communicating with a Spirit Guide

Let your child know that it is okay to talk to their spirit guide. They can play, and chat and explore together. The best way for a relationship to develop between a child and their spirit guide is through talking.

Talk out loud. Ask questions. Give opinions. Confide in them. Try this yourself!

A spirit guide will find a way to communicate. This can come in so many different forms. Your child may see symbols, visions; hear reoccurring songs, verbal communication, feelings, etc. It can be very unique, and constantly changing.

When it comes to working with your psychic child, and helping them to develop a relationship with their spirit guide…. Have an open mind and be an explorer!

A fun exercise for your child is to write letters to their spirit guide. Write a letter and leave it under their pillow, or near a tree. Tell them to ask for some kind of response from their spirit guide. This can be a really fun game. Something will appear!

Spirit guides love creativity. Any kind of creative activity will bring your child closer to their guide. Encourage them to draw and paint. Maybe ask them to illustrate a portrait of their guide!

Another great technique for connecting with a spirit guide, and the Universe is using a divination system. Tarot, or some type of oracle card. This can be really fun to do with your psychic child because they will see connections in the images that you never even thought of. Let their imagination run wild!

A few more things

I encourage you to talk with your psychic child. Being open to the psychic world can be confusing at times, but when nurtured and approached with healthy boundaries it is a gift. Communication is the number one way to make the psychic world safe, and accessible.

It is easy to disregard your child’s experiences as imagination, but remember that imagination is the pathway to intuition. What your child creates as they play, most likely has roots in a very real, spiritual experience. So ask questions. Never judge. Just ask more questions.

And as always… HAVE FUN!


About Shaheen Miro

Shaheen Miro is an intuitive reader, energy worker, fashion designer, artist, writer and spiritual nomad. Shaheen coaches people to live more consciously through spiritual practices such as spiritual cleaning, protection, and intuitive development. He is also the creator of, Shaheen’s Tattered Nomad Oracle. To read Shaheen’s writing or to learn more about Intuitive Consultations visit his Website.

© Shaheen Miro 2015

Awakening Intuition Through Imagination


Melissa’s Note: So happy to share with you our next installment for the Kids Growing Up Psychic Series, by Shaheen Miro, guest blogger.

You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.   -Mark Twain

Your psychic child is a beacon of light. A spark of the Divine, as we all are, yet he or she has a connection to that spectacular place beyond the veil (that has not yet been shut down). That beautiful thread that connects them to the Other Side is their imagination.

Imagination is the pathway to intuition. It is the blank canvas of possibilities, for which your inner world can come alive, animate itself, and speak to you. Children are intrinsically fantastical. They thrive off of using their imagination to paint the world in all the colors that make their souls feel alive. This is their Divine nature.

As a parent of a psychic child you must feed this craving to create, and imagine. Nurture your child’s need to play, to explore, to taste, touch and see things that aren’t part of the mundane. When you do this you allow them to grow, and bloom into empowered people… into healers of all different ways.

I was very imaginative as a child. I found validation in fairytales, and stories of sorcerers, good witches and fairies. I saw them as people much like myself. They had a connection to something that others couldn’t see, or understand. I would play for hours. I created stories, worlds even… where all these magical things were real and alive.

My Mother, and Grandmother were wise to nurture this part of me. It allowed me to stay empowered. I never really felt shutdown, or left out, or even misunderstood… well not in the dramatic, isolated way. They would play with me; they would help create these stories. And sometimes I think they were really passing on their own wisdom of the psychic world.

Pull at the Thread

As a child I learned the Tarot. My mother used them as a way to help me use my psychic abilities. She would lay them out and ask me to tell her a “story”, but those stories had more truth to them than fantasy. But I didn’t know that… all I knew is the images before me were fascinating, they made me feel a certain way, they spoke to me, and they spoke to one another.

I just gave words to what my imagination seemed to be creating before me!

Imagination is the thread that connects the dots. It bridges the gaps in all the spaces where logic can’t seem to make sense. And that thread of imagination becomes the pathway for intuition to spark into life.

Explore ways to let your child tell stories. This helps them to pull at the thread, and gain more control and understanding of their abilities. This can be through drawing pictures, looking at storybooks, or exploring some kind of divination system.

Begin with looking for cloud animals. Take a large blanket outside, and lay on it together. Look up at the sky on a cloudy day and look for shapes in the clouds.

What do you see?




Create a story. Don’t just call out shapes. Use them as settings and characters.

Why are they there?

What are they doing?

Play! Don’t try too hard. Don’t worry about how crazy it may sound. If you have fun, your child will certainly do the same.

You could even have a tea party with you psychic child and read tea leaves together. The ancient art of tea leaf reading is based on the same idea that loose leaf tea will form shapes in the bottom of your tea cup, just like clouds, and those leaves can be used to weave stories.

Or ink blots!

The possibilities are endless! Tap into your inner child and look for ways to have fun, which will help your child strengthen and gain control of their psychic abilities.

Give them a Place to Play

Encourage your child to play. Play all the time. Find a way to help spark the creation of their fantastical world. This could be a place where they play often: A room, a tree, or an area in the woods. It can be anything that feels exciting to them… they will paint it with their minds and hearts!

I use to play in my Grandmothers garden. It was the most lushes Eden of a place I have ever been. It was filled with flowers, berries and all sorts of vegetables. I would run through the rows, hide under bushes of black berries, and eat the most delicious things. It felt like a grand palace, with the most decadent banquets. I could be anywhere when I was there.

Sometimes I would imagine that we were two fairies on the edge of dreamland. And she would just laugh, and play, and go along with it. I know sometimes that being in my little world of fantasy probably made her feel like a kid again, too.

Give them a place to play! It will become their sacred space.

Befriend the Unseen World

Children are always exploring different levels and layers that you may not see. They are naturally in tune with these unseen places. Even in myth and legend we see that fairies and other mystical beings take interest in children. It is their light that still shines brightly.

These unseen forces can be guardians, and teachers. It can be the gentle hug of a tree, or the sturdy force of a rock. They all whisper to psychic children, they remind them of the power that is within.

And if you open yourself up just a little, you will hear that same, loving whisper.

Take your child outside when the weather is favorable. Visit a park, a stretch of woods where you feel safe to roam for a while, or a beach if you are near one. See what your child does. What calls to his or her spirit. Something will spark their imagination.

Maybe find a nice inviting tree to sit under and meditate. Make a game of naming the trees and the rocks; or telling stories about them. It isn’t uncommon for a child to find a “guardian” tree… think of Grandmother Willow in Pocahontas.

Being in this space will help your psychic child stay grounded, and centered, and help his or her psychic senses to find balance. Whatever seems to catch their attention will be what is needed at that time.

I always find that children love rocks, and pieces of fallen wood. They regard them as talismans. Bits of magic left just for them. Think of the countless legends of wands, and staves of power. Or stones and crystals of great magic. This is all held deep in the subconscious mind.

Let your child find a token of nature to take home to remind them of their trip.

My grandmother made it a ritual for us to find rocks, and sticks to paint. You should invite your child to decorate their token. It can be with paint, beads, feathers, or whatever speaks to them. This is a great way for them to feel the energy that is within the object. I encourage you to do the same!

Look at Life from Different Perspectives

The one thing children always seem to do… that is so unique, and so powerful… is see the world from different perspectives. This is how imagination thrives. It doesn’t seek to confine the world in some small little box. Imagination lets the world explode into Technicolor.

Everyday you should encourage your child to see the world upside down, and sideways. Look at things from all different angles. Find a new vantage point. See the others facets of the crystal.

Walk backwards. Especially when you are upset, or confused. Laugh at yourself when you fall.

Dress up silly. Wear two different socks. Or mismatched patterns. Or something inside out. Don’t take it too serious. See it a different way. See the beauty in the chaos, and the contradictions. It will stir things up!

Remember that your psychic child is a visionary. It is a gift for them to see the world through such different eyes. You are entrusted with them, to help them grow and learn. The more open you are to them, to their gift, the better you will know how to help.

I hope you embark on a fantastic journey! Maybe I’ll see you there.

Do you have questions about your psychic child?

Please, respond below, or contact us!


About Shaheen Miro

Shaheen Miro is an intuitive reader, energy worker, fashion designer, artist, writer and spiritual nomad. Shaheen coaches people to live more consciously through spiritual practices such as spiritual cleaning, protection, and intuitive development. He is also the creator of, Shaheen’s Tattered Nomad Oracle. To read Shaheen’s writing or to learn more about Intuitive Consultations visit his Website.


© Shaheen Miro 2015