Awakening and Renewal ~ 2015

2015RenewAThe Season that comes between two different years has to be the most interesting I know of. It means so many things to me, especially since I met my husband during the Eve of 1972 New Year. It is the time that Mother Nature rests in preparation for A Time of Renewal. She allows certain living things to complete their cycle of life, to nourish others in their journey. This is an essential aspect of Growth.

All things in this World have a beginning and ending. But the endings are never final. They are merely a way to cycle around to the next starting point.

So now, this gives you a place to set your starting point. That can be in any form you like. Many people create an affirmation of things they wish to achieve in the new year, such as career, wealth, health, happiness. Some come up with resolutions to do better, such as eating habits, relationships, or resolving addictive behavior.

And there are many ways to do this. Different cultures prepare certain foods as a way of marking this shift. And those foods are traditional in many families. Spiritual customs include clearing of old beliefs, such as The Burning Bowl. They write down things on paper that they wish to release, and ceremonially place them in a special bowl to burn.

However you decide to celebrate the New Year, and re-affirm your life, be sure to take some time for reflection. Go over your past year. Look at the accomplishments you have made. Celebrate the joys and loves that have been in your experience. Also honor the losses and failures, for they are the things that make you strong and wise.

Be sure to witness the way Mother Nature is expressing herself in your world. You will waken something within when you pay attention to nature. It helps you move through your life.

For this New Year, I wish you and your family happiness, love on many levels, and the ability to feel, as Mother Nature shares her emotions with you.

Happy New Year!

Melissa Leath

An Authentic Television Series About Psychic Kids – I Need Your Help


iStockFreeCrayonPsyKidsI had an interesting conversation the other day, via conference call, that I want to share with you. It was with a video producer I have known for several years. (His mother is a fellow author, psychic and associate of mine.) He has done many television projects (Discovery Channel and Animal Planet) and independent documentaries. He is associated with a reputable cable television production company.

Anyway, his two bosses were in the conference call too.

Basically, they are looking at the viability of producing a television series surrounding psychic kids (and their parents) in a sincere and authentic way. They realize the backlash the earlier paranormal and psychic kids type shows have gotten. And they have asked me to assist them in this initial investigation as to if it would be possible to film the families of psychic kids —  without exploiting them in any way. (I really like their take on this.) And they asked me many questions about different ways to do it, and other possibilities.

Since I have mentored families of psychic children, and written Does Your Child See Sparkles? they have asked if I could contact some of my clients, mentor students, and parents of psychic kids and find out how they feel about this. Here are some possibilities, with differing levels of exposure that they are considering: 

  1. Film the family and child while I counsel/mentor them, but filmed for television.
  2. Or – Interview them about any mentoring or assistance we have done, create a staged re-creation with actors, and then at the end of the segment show the family (as a way of confirming the authenticity of the situation).
  3. Or – Make the re-creation without the family being exposed at all.
  4. Or – Interview the parent, probably by phone, to get a sense of how they feel as a parent about the televised idea of their psychic children. They want to know any concerns a parent might have. (They really want to know if this is something that could be done responsibly)
  5. Or – Maybe there is another direction we are not seeing yet? Ideas are always welcome.

Please think about these ideas. And see if you (or if you know anyone that) may like to engage in this project. There are many families with psychic and empathic kids that are looking for help of any kind.

I know that if a reliable, caring television program could be reinforced as a teaching tool, then many people could benefit by it. We just have to understand how it can be presented in a way that provides proof of this phenomenon, without sensationalism, and also provide assistance in gaining empowerment for it.

If you or anyone you know would like to help in this project, please get me in contact with them. Let me know. Email me here:

Thank you so much for your help and good wishes!

Melissa Leath


Preparing for the Year’s End – Joyfully!

  • heartStylist Guru

This time of year we tend to think of others — exclusively. We are busy buying gifts to give to loved ones during the holidays; We are planning dinners and grocery lists; We visit friends and relatives that we haven’t seen in awhile; And clean the house from top to bottom.

By the time we get to the end of the year, we’ll be so worn out that planning for the new year will be the last thing in mind!

Here’s what I suggest: Focus on your self, and prepare for the future. How, you ask? By transforming your tired and worn out year-end energy into positive, uplifting energy!

So here are a few of things you can do — that do not take too long. But they will help shift your energy into a positive vibration:

  • Create a quick list of meaningful tasks you do on a regular basis that you make you feel good.
  • Add to this list all the joy-filled events that you participate in.
  • Try this short meditation:

    Sit quietly.

    Be totally aware of your thinking.

    Be very conscious of your thoughts.

    Know what it is like to initiate your own though

  • Use this short Joy Affirmation: No matter where I go, no matter what I do, it is my most sincere intent to look for all things that make me feel good.

Now! You are on your way to enjoying the last month of the year, and preparing for good things in 2015!

Blessings to All!

Melissa Leath