Why Do Children See Entities That Are Invisible to the Rest of Us?

Why do children see entities that are invisible to the rest of us?

As we become adults, we develop a different perception of reality. As adults, we are programmed to discard certain images, noises, and feelings as unreal, especially if they are not scientifically proven or socially accepted. Many of us have programmed our intellect to doubt our intuition. Most children have not had the chance to train their perception to correspond with these adult versions.

Many parents teach their children at a very young age to block psychic images. Humans feel better when we all experience things in similar ways. They may tell their children that imaginary friends are not real, and that visions are just bad dreams. This sends a message to the child that they should mistrust what they actually experience, and instead rely on adult reality. It robs children of a sense of self-trust that they will definitely need to find their way in the world.

We all have telepathic abilities and use this as a method of communication to send messages even when we are not aware of doing so. You may think of an old friend that you haven’t connected with in years and in the next day or so you get an email or phone call from them. The two of you connected telepathically (which I like to call the Field of Synchronicity) and this mental “signal” brought about an urge to take action and connect physically.

But many children are experiencing much more than that. They may unconsciously move between both the psychic realms and the physical realms at the same time. They may even recognize parallel universes, alternate realities, and multiple dimensions all layered together at once. They may not be able to distinguish between our familiar third dimension and the many layers of “other worlds”. It becomes difficult to make sense of it all, or to even know that other people do not experience it the same way!

As a result, your child may see spirit beings or entities from other dimensions or realities right in front of their eyes, (not knowing that our “normal” vision doesn’t register this anomaly).

This is not only challenging and confusing for children, but perhaps overwhelming in a more material world where psychic and spiritual phenomena are rarely acknowledged.

Many of these kids are so psychically aware, yet their parents and role models usually are not. So they may develop different types of troubling behaviors to help them cope with their situation, and to teach adults what might be going on with them.

Taken from Does Your Child See Sparkles? Copyright 2013 Melissa Leath

Are You Looking to Develop Your Psychic Abilities?

Over many years, I’ve become an experienced psychic medium through training: classes, workshops, trial and error, my own mishap experiences, sitting in meditation circle. And then gained even more experience when I started teaching classes, workshops, lectures and holding meditation circles. (And guess what? My own trial and error and mishap experiences are the strongest lessons I’ve learned!)

It’s the mishaps and the trial and errors that I want to share with you. They are protocols, practices and meditations that I did not learn from a teacher. Experience and my spirit guides became my teachers.

These are the things that I am sharing with you. These are the things I know work. All I ask of you is to take the time to use them, practice them and dedicate yourself to the practice.

I’ve taught these principals over the past 12-15 years. Sometimes by myself, sometimes with a co teacher. But what I have honed is a specialized system that can take you through the steps, building on each other to a proper psychic that can access spirit guides and information for yourself or others.

Now, if you are interested in some of the virtual classes and workshops I am teaching, look at the Development Meditation for Psychic Abilities (free) It includes a video lesson, guided meditation audio (I’m well known for my guided meditations), article, and interview I gave to Cinnamon Moon. This is the best way to find out how I teach. I know you’re going to enjoy it.

I cover beginning lessons and expand into progressive workshops There is an ongoing version you can use for your sacred time, and a full packet on how to connect with your spirit guides and get a deeper link. Everything is done in a very laid back and comfortable style. I do my best to make it easy to understand, but I want you to do your work and unfold your gifts. Plus, I am constantly adding and expanding my offerings.

If you are on the lookout for exploring your options for self-development, or expanding your practice and growth, check out my Intuitive Arts Learning Center. I’m always available for assistance and if you become a student, you can also join my Secret Doorway Interactive Page on Facebook. It’s great for support and connecting with like minded folks.

Grounding Essentials for Psychics and Mediums

Question: Why would we need to center and ground ourselves if we are ascending?

Answer: I know, we are constantly trying to raise our vibrations to reach a higher frequency space. Some of us call it ascension. Or moving from the Third Dimension to the Fourth or Fifth. (As in the song, Dawning of the Age of Aquarius by Earth, Wind and Fire). But let’s think about this for a minuet ~

~ We, as Spirit-Beings, have decided to incarnate into the Third Dimension to have an Earth Experience. How could we have a physical experience if we were not Third Dimensional? To move up and out of the physical body to ascend to another dimension means we have forsaken the prime directive.

I feel we are to expand ourselves to accommodate higher frequencies while still holding to Third Dimensional Earth. Our bodies can morph or intertwine vibrations to become more than we are now. We have some of the most productive and amazing qualities as humans. And we are only using a small amount of the body/brain potential available to us.

So, how can we ground ourselves here, and still expand into higher frequencies? Here are a few of my own thoughts:

1. Komara, a way of expanding consciousness without blowing apart. Keep your feet together and arms up in a “Y” shape. This opens you to other realms and higher information, such as communicating with your guides, etc. Then stand with your feet spread out at shoulder width and arms down to your sides. This grounds your spirit in the body, making it easier to maneuver on Earth. Use both positions to keep balanced.

2. Use earthing, or walking on the ground barefoot as a way to instantly ground your body to earth. If you are worn out and exhausted from a busy day, or communing with spirit, this brings your energy back asap.

3. Understand why events happen instead of getting caught up in the drama – perspective in all things.

4. Pieces of the higher realms are leaking into our third dimension. Find out where these things are leaking without your knowledge or permission and close them or welcome depending on what feels right for you.

5. Increase your energetic awareness. When you open up to intuitive concerns, you can feel information coming in. Pay attention to it. Know when it opens and when it closes. Be in control of that by putting your focus there.
Balanced energy flows and resonates with well-being. Unbalanced energy leads to dis-ease.

6. Detect Energy from a Higher Vibration. By practicing as a lightworker, and being open to your psychic senses, you have a whole new dimension of consciousness. This is True Knowing in its highest sense.

7. Frequencies of Food, Medication, and Other Factors. In order to stay grounded be particular about the frequencies of the foods you eat. Food is fuel for the physical body.

For example, you know what happens if you download a lot of useless information on your computer. It will crash. Cheaper fuel will cause a car to run inefficiently. Food with negative energy or lower vibrations tears down the physical body and opens it to disease. It can cause problems in your subtle body system, and slow down your evolution.

Processed foods, additives, dyes, hormones, and medications can all be problems for your well being. This is the problem that the energy-sensitive Indigos ran into when they began to incarnate in Earth’s plane. Their sensitive systems were contaminated by foods that don’t resonate with their higher vibration. This is when many had reactions and health problems, such as attention deficit disorder (like an energy failure) and hyperactivity (like energy surges), leading to misdiagnosis and overmedication.

Like the new Indigos, we as adult, hyper-sensitives, our bodies cannot hold the negative vibrations of all of the garbage going in. The “old system” can make us sick. Organic diets hold a much higher vibration and thus are better suited to the transforming body and evolving psychic senses.

A high vibrational diet consists of foods that are ALIVE and that positively benefit the person, as well as the planet as a whole. High vibration means having more light, and thus less density. Consider trying a whole food one-day diet a week. See what it feels like.

Keeping yourself grounded and aware of your own vibrations is the best way to achieve your ascension process and keeping centered.

Many Blessings, Melissa Leath

Can You Benefit from Psychic Online Classes?

Why would you want to take online classes for psychic development?
1. You can progress at your own rate.
2. Meditate when you have the time.
3. You don’t live near a metaphysical bookstore or development circle.
4. You need a little nudge to help you move forward in your studies.
5. Looking for some support.
6. Want to connect with a group of like minded people.

Sign up now at http://www.psychiconlineclasses.com and immediately receive a FREE Introductory Lesson to get you started.

I’ve been teaching psychic/mediumship classes in one way or another for over 11 years and have lectured and presented workshops since around 1990. During this time I have realized that many people want to develop their gifts and abilities but sometimes need a little support or encouragement. Sometimes they can’t get to local groups or have the right timing to attend them.

That’s when I decided to provide lessons in video form to present online. And create guided meditations in audio to compliment that lesson. Each monthly lesson is different and does not follow any particular progressive plan. So they are intuitively created for the time frame and needs of the class.

Can’t make it to local classes? Then this option is just for you! Self Study as You Want It! For those of you who want to study with Melissa Leath, but live too far away to attend onsite classes, this is a wonderful way for you to participate in your own self-development, only in a closed, private group. Held once a month, with projects to keep you working at home. They are for unfoldment and development of psychic awareness and mediumship awakening. Both novice and seasoned students benefit from these classes. A warm and safe environment has come from these classes and all are welcome.


You can join anytime during the month and will be sent directly to your Free Introductory Class. Then, on the first week of the month, you get your monthly class packet.

Who should attend? — Have you been getting psychic “hits” at different times of the day? Do you think you are psychic, but not sure? Are you interested in gaining control over this gift? Would you like to share with others of like-mind, in a safe environment? Then this is the class for you.

Class Format:

  • Monthly Online Psychic Development Class (Beginners or Experienced)
  • Video Package sent to you the first of each month, with follow up exercises.
  • Study the program when you have the time!
  • Guided Meditation Audio
  • Group interaction on a secret Facebook page the last Thursday of the month.
  • Many lessons taken from Melissa’s book “Psychic Integrity”.
  • When:
    On-going classes. A new class starts the first week of each month. You can jump in anytime. The Video Packages are sent via email the first of each month. And the Facebook Interaction will take place the last Thursday of the month. — In-between, you have the opportunity to watch the video, listen to the audio, and practice your development meditation.

    I hope to see you soon!
    Melissa Leath

    Solar Eclipse: 7 Tips for Empaths

    August 21, 2017 marks a very special day for the earth! She is being separated from the Sun for several minutes. You may think this is a mini-event in the scheme of things, but you would be incorrect.

    There is a very sensitive energy field surrounding our planet. It helps us handle emotions and logic, and keeps life at a regular and constant flow. This energy field helps plants, animals, birds, fish, and humans to regulate their existence. And whenever this flow of energy is interrupted or altered in any way, that flow shifts.

    If you are empathic (aware of it or not), you will be effected by this event. The actual eclipse takes over 2-3 hours to happen. And you can experience the most wonderful shifts in nature if you open to it. But if you have been paying attention the last few months, you realize that everything has been gearing up for this event: upheaval on all levels, letting go of unessential things, emotional outbursts, extreme joy, extreme pain – both physical and emotional. So this eclipse has been brewing for some time!

    The Sun and Moon have always been special symbols to me and held magical powers. They represent the delicate balance between day and night. But more than that, the Sun means life to us all. And the Moon is the ability to recognize the time for rest, so the body and mind can rejuvenate. So we need both in regularity. When that regularity is interrupted, we feel the resistance. It is an uneasy sense, and could seem frightful.

    But I feel the intense need for this interruption. Seems that nature is saying, “pay attention now”. Could we be too complacent in our lives? Could we be ignoring important aspects in our world? Look at the possibility that you should re-evaluate how your life is going.

    1. Know the Facts Research the event. Many people from ancient times have sewn negative thoughts about the eclipse. It was a time of much fear, since nature was not responding in a normal way. Whatever was not understood was feared. Know that you have better information now. This is a logical event that falls in the realm of progress through the universe. We have better ways of understanding it, and know it is not the end of the world.

    2. Gather Energy You can gather a large amount of positive energy during the eclipse. It brings the best of yin/yang (feminine/masculine) aspects. So it will help balance your personal energy and perspective. To do this, simply breathe with intention.

    3. Experience the Full Eclipse Be open to the full effects of the eclipse. Find a place out in nature – such as an open field, clearing space in a wooded area, public park, or even your backyard that you can sit on the ground. Plan this ahead of time so you have everything needed. (solar glasses, water, snacks, etc.) Use a meditation known as Mindfulness (or Present Moment Awareness). You can keep your eyes open or closed, but only be aware of what is happening at the moment. You will be surprised at the way things change around you – shadows, sounds, breezes, etc. This is the full experience!

    4. Be Open Instead of trying to hide and shield your energy, do the reverse. Open all subtle bodies (connected to the chakras) to feel and sense everything the animals are feeling, and be aware of the changes that the oncoming darkness brings. Have prepared affirmations to benefit your experience. Here are some I will be using:

    a. I am willing to feel all of nature during the eclipse today.
    b. I send love to all living things.
    c. I accept the possibility of change in my life.
    d. I know I am continually safe during this experience of awareness.

    5. Alone or With Friends? Decide ahead of time if you want to be alone during this experience, or share it with family and friends. Either one is great, according to what you want to do. It will also depend on how your friends and family will respond to the eclipse. Are they just out for a fun, good time? Or do you think they will share in your wish to experience it?

    6. Eclipse Glasses Be sure to bring your eclipse glasses. And make sure they are approved and certified as safe to use for this purpose. Check out this information by USA Today.

    7. Watch the Sun or Things Around You? This eclipse is a very rare event, so you really should see the full eclipse! It will be awesome, and I can’t wait to see it! But do you think you want to watch the whole thing? It probably will last for 2-3 hours before the full cover and after. So plan to use much of this time just being present and aware. You can look up at the Sun (be sure you have the glasses on! each time you peek) from time to time. And the rest of the time just pay attention to things around you.

    This Solar Eclipse is a great time to use your empathic abilities to their full extent! Don’t try to hide yourself, but embrace the ability you have. This chance may never come again. And you will gain better control of your abilities.

    Please comment in the space below with your experiences. I would love to know what happens for you!

    Peace! Melissa Leath http://www.MelissaLeath.com
    Copyright 2017

    Does A Metaphysical Workshop Certification Really Prepare You?

    Many people these days are very interested in being of assistance and working in healing fields. This could include Psychic or Medium Readers, Astrologists, Tarot Readers, Energy Healers, Coaches, Consultants, Spiritual Counselors, Ministers…the list goes on and on. It seems that with the shifting energies of the Universe, many are becoming aware, enlightened and knowing they are to be of service.

    But let’s stop and think about this for a minute. Of course, being of service is a noble and important aspiration. But in doing so, you have to be aware of your limitation as far as assistance goes. You must be prepared. You must have experience.

    You must be in the field, training under supervision for a certain period of time before you have the confidence to carry on by yourself.

    I remember when I was ordained in the ministry of a spiritual church. I felt very inadequate…and I had been in training for well over 10 years, with on going classes in spirituality, meditation practices, metaphysics, work within the church, internship, countless hours of reading countless numbers of books. And all of a sudden, I had license to be a minister. To minister to people with problems, situations, challenges.

    “Oh my God,” I said, literally. “Oh my God, am I really ready for this?” In one moment, while being ordained, I was finally aware of the responsibility involved with this opportunity! “What if someone comes to me for help with a really BIG PROBLEM?”

    I had been working with people for years, assisting in spiritual counseling and mediumship. But I was awestruck. What if I told someone the wrong information? What if….what if…..what if…. I felt like I had been pushed out without any training.

    But after I continued my work, serving my clients and following my ministry (my heart led passion), I realized I had been given plenty of training and experience over the years. If I ran into a problem I couldn’t work with properly, I had a battery of associates and colleagues to rely on. I realized I didn’t have to do it all. I didn’t have to do it by myself.

    This sort of vocational trauma came after I had been sufficiently prepared. What happens when you have only attended one workshop, given a certification and turned out to do the work?

    I’ll tell you what happens: You may feel so unprepared that you fall away from your chosen vocation and wander around not really knowing what to do, never really fulfilling your heart’s desire, your chosen path.

    You may end up making severe mistakes. You may present yourself as capable of performing a service to your clients. But they don’t know you are without proper experience. Sooner or later, the faith and trust your clientele give you is lost.

    Be sure to continue in your chosen field after your first certification. But go slowly. Take your time. Work with a mentor or someone you respect in the same field. You know they say, ‘Wine is not done before it’s time!” Wine actually has to ‘work’ for a period of time before it is ready to drink. Otherwise, you get a very bitter taste!
    Be the glass of fine wine. Be the best you can be in whatever you choose to do!

    Copyright 2017, Melissa Leath
    This article was previously published in SelfGrowth.com

    Charge for the Gifts of Spirit?


    Know Your Worth, and Be Worthy of Your Knowing
    Taken from Psychic Integrity, The Respected Practice of Modern-Day Mystics, Chapter 8 The Bottom Line

    Some students ask me: Is it right to charge for one’s services as a medium? After all, it’s a gift from God, isn’t it? It seems like you are cashing in on God’s goodness by taking money for it.

    I love that question and I grappled with it myself for many years. When we were working within the Spiritualist Church, an associate medium got a small booth at area psychic fairs and charged for short readings. I was aghast! I felt she was disrespecting the spiritual gift by charging for her readings.

    Several years later, I went to a psychic fair just to see what it was all about. There were readers and vendors, and several people giving lectures about various spiritual and metaphysical concepts. The attendees were hungry for information. Some were unfamiliar with the concept of spiritualism, but still were interested in finding out about spirit communication.

    The short readings that attendees paid for introduced them to spirit communication and psychic abilities. I realized that there are other valid ways to present spiritual information as well as in church. Educating the public about spiritual concepts can be a respectable way to make a living.

    Let me ask you this: Have you ever bought a beautiful painting because the artwork and colors were so special? Have you ever had your transmission rebuilt by an expert mechanic who had been recommended to you? Have you eaten at a five-star restaurant and tasted the exploding flavors of the chef’s specialty? Or bought an engaging musical recording by an aspiring singer/songwriter? All these people have God-given talents as well. Would you suggest these artists just give you what they do, without any kind of compensation? If you’ll notice, the artists and chefs and mechanics that are extremely talented and sought after receive the highest pay.

    Being a medium, psychic or intuitive is no different. Many readers have been led to do this spiritual work full time. It is their ministry. Ministers from many religions receive a salary, and earn their living that way. Do not judge anyone who is asking for payment as an even exchange of energy.

    When you go back to the thought and understanding that everything is energy, then money starts to make more sense. I believe that all service is worth a fair and even exchange of energy. Many times that means paying money for what services you receive. Other times, an exchange of materials or other services is appropriate. Many people embrace bartering as a means for this.

    If you intend to make a living as a psychic or medium then you will want to address the idea of accepting money as a way of exchanging energy. Look around at other readers to get a good idea of what the market in your area is doing with charging for services. Be sure to stay within that market range. Many readers provide two different time frames for readings: one long session for full readings (usually an hour, depending on the type of reading you do), the other is a shorter session (to address specific areas or follow-up from another session).

    Be sure to let your client know what the time frames are for each session, and then adhere to it by setting a timer. Starting on time and ending on time is essential. You create the time standard by the way you deal with it. I usually set my timer five to ten minutes before the session is over. I tell the client (before the session starts) that the timer will go off in time for us to wrap up the reading. That way they will know ahead of time when the session is done. If you honor the time set for the session and tell your client when it is over, then they will honor your time also.

    Melissa Leath Copyright 2011
    This is an excerpt from my book Psychic Integrity, The Respected Practice of Modern-Day Mystics.

    MOVIE REVIEW: Ghostbuster (2016)

    (Photo: ibtimes.com)

    I have been waiting oh, so long for this next make of the classic Ghostbuster movies. After all the hoopla about second rate remakes, I have gone to the theatre and watched it in regular screen, not the 3-D version. I did not want the visual effects to overpower the way I saw it for the first time. Sometimes 3-D can be the spectacular thing and you forget the actual movie.

    But before I tell you if I liked it or not, let me share with you some of the back story.

    First off, this Ghostbuster 2016 is not a “proper sequel” that the Ghostbuster cult fans have been screaming for, like the two other movies from 1984 and 1989. It is a reboot. It is an entirely new version. And there is a reason for it.

    The third film for Ghostbusters had been on the drawing board ever since the release of Ghostbusters II in 1989. There had been several steps of progress, only to be taken back to square one. There was no doubt that the fans wanted another one (me included). The problems came in many guises. Bill Murray, who was an original cast member for one reason or another refused to make a committed promise to the new project. Also, the death of fellow cast member Harold Ramis (1944-2014) who played the part of Egon Spengler obviously set back the development of the next movie. Different plots and themes were discussed (including one where Bill Murray’s character was transformed into a ghost, and another in which the Ghostbusters went to hell), but were always never finalized.

    Check out this discussion from Melissa McCarthy about the reboot ideas: Click Here

    So, Sony and Columbia Pictures decided to reboot the series. Many of the original cast members were cast in cameo roles (I love looking for cameo spots). And an all-female cast (Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones) was announced in 2015. This sparked more controversy.

    So, come hell or high water, Ghostbusters 2016 was on its way. And I was totally stoked.

    Just what is Ghostbusters? Or- Have you been living under a rock?

    (Photo: dailymotion.com)

    Ghostbusters is a supernatural comedy. Filmmaker Paul Feig directed it and shared writing it with Katie Dippold. It was released in the United States on July 15, 2016, in 2D, 3D, and IMAX 3D. It’s about four women (from different live experiences) who start a ghost-catching business in New York City. It seems to follow similar lines in the plot from the original stories of bringing several people of expertise together in unusual manner (of course) to investigate paranormal occurrences, research supernatural science, and catch/contain ghostly apparitions with their untested equipment.

    And, understanding as we should, that this story is purely for our comedic entertainment, we watch all manner of unusual events, wonkiness, misguided bureaucratic intervention, and pure unadulterated joy as the women of ethereal escapades ramble through our minds.

    (Photo: empireonline.com)

    Kate McKinnon plays part of Dr. Jillian Holtzmann, eccentric (too say the least) enegineer, who successfully tests the Holtzmann’s Proton Containment Laser. She is totally her own woman. So wacky and fully in control of her super-knowledge. She is my new-superhero.


    Melissa McCarthy plays the part of Abby Yates, co-author of a book which theorizes the existence of paranormal phenomenon such as ghosts. McCarthy must be my favorite contemporary actor of the 21Century. She could have totally souped-up this role, but kept her grounded and loving in nature. She could easily have been the character you wanted to hate, but instead was the catalyst that kept the women together. I believe this speaks to Melissa’s superb acting ability.

    (Photo: aceshowbiz.com)

    Kristen Wiig playing Erin Gilbert, who also authored the same book on paranormal phenomenon. But she felt no one took her seriously and went the road of respectable teacher at Columbia University. When she witnessed a real ghost with the others, she was on-board with the investigations. The level-headed person of the team, who always got slimed (Yeah, there was a lot of that!)

    (Photo: theguardian.com)

    Comedian Leslie Jones as Patty Tolan, the un-paranormal addition to the team. Known because of her underground expertise in the rail system and historic knowledge of New York City, Leslie plays the role of “I’ll just tell you how it is” kind of person that helps ground the other roles. It would not have been a Ghostbuster Team without her! I consider this a break out role for Leslie Jones and you will see so much more of her. I think this just scratches the surface of her acting talents.

    So what did I think?

    Well, I went into this wanting it to be another great Ghostbuster film. And I knew that because it was an all-female cast, it could be problematic. But I had high hopes.

    It did not disappoint me! I love it! Will go see it in 3-D now. And buy the DVD just as soon as it comes out!

    Be well, my friends, Melissa Leath
    Copyright 2016 http://www.melissaleath.com

    Are You A Psychic Kid’s Parent?

    Parents Panel Discussion and Spirit Mini-Camp for Kids

    I just have to share this with you!

    This month, I will be part of two exciting events. The 2nd Annual Parents of the New Kids Panel Discussion (June 24) and Spirit Mini-Camp for Kids and Teens (June 25)

    Panel Discussion
    If you think you might have one of the New Kids (aka Indigo or Psychic) the Panel Discussion will be of great help for you. The panelists have direct knowledge and hands on experience with psychic kids and their parents. You can ask any question you have including what the signs are, how to cope, and anything else that comes to your mind.

    DATE & TIME: Friday, June 24, 7-9pm. HOSTS/PANELISTS: Joanne Franchina & Rose Vanden Eynden. Guest Panelists: Patti Kessler, Melissa Leath & more
    PRICE: $45; pre-registration required. Early registrations (by June 4) $40. Register your child for the Spirit Mini-Camp for Kids event and receive a free copy of Does Your Child See Sparkles? by Melissa Leath ($10 value). www.yourinnercompass.com/id220.html

    Spirit Mini-Camp:

      Kids Camp

    — Children ages 7-11. Kids that are just learning that they are psychic or empathic can learn to use those abilities and share with other kids.
    DATE & TIME: Saturday, June 25, 10 am – 2:30 pm. INSTRUCTORS: Melissa Leath, Meredith Melvin, Patti Kessler & Joanne Franchina.
    PRICE: $90; includes crystal set (value $20) and class materials. Early registrations (by June 4) $80. Family discount, $5 less each child.

      Teens Camp

    — Children ages 12-17. Teenagers who are more aware of these abilities, will benefit. Will address working with energy and connecting with spirit guides.
    DATE & TIME: Saturday, June 25, 10 am – 2:30 pm
    PRICE: $90; includes class materials. Early registrations (by June 4) $80. Family discount, $5 less each child. INSTRUCTORS: Patti Kessler, Melissa Leath & Rose Vanden Eynden.

    I hope to see you there!
    Melissa Leath

    What Is Mediumship? Séances, Circles and Channeling


    Taken from Chapter 2, Intuition, Psychics, and Mediumship, of Psychic integrity, the Respected Practice of Modern Day Mystics

    What Is Mediumship?

    Mediumship is being aware of the vibrations of spirit beings, and receiving messages from them. It is the communication of a deceased loved one through an intermediary. The information is then given to those who are grieving the loss of the loved one.

    Connecting with the crown chakra (or seventh energy center) at the top of the head, a bridge is built to the higher levels or planes of existence. By building this bridge, an association is made with visions, imagination, and spiritual awakening. The main purpose of mediumship is to provide recognition of continuing life after the physical death, and to transmit love and encouragement.

    By working through the crown chakra, the medium’s spiritual path is empowered and opens to integrity in becoming responsible in communication dealings. Association with the higher realms also plants a firm foundation for the connection with finer vibratory entities and spirit teachers. Mediums do not usually attract lower-level energies, as long as the connection is established with higher vibrations.

    Another reason spirit beings open communication with the living is to give evidential information that can be acknowledged by those still in the body. They create physical activities often recognized as paranormal activity, and perceived by humans in a physical manner.

    Mediumship involves cooperation between a living person and a person in the spirit realm. This entails either communication of some kind or physical manipulation of energies. Mediumship is divided into two categories: mental (communication) or physical (energy manipulation).

    Mental mediumship is communication by thought transference from the spirit to the medium. Mental information is communicated, and then spoken by the medium. Information is brought to the medium as feelings, words, thought forms or impressions.

    How clearly the information is relayed depends on how deep the medium is under control: the deeper the control, the purer the information. Mediumistic control has to do with the connection made by the spirit with the medium, using a combination of mental and physical energy. The bond or link is made by the two through the consciousness of the medium. It can be a strong link or very light. The control is determined by the strength of the link.

    If the link is a good one, practiced over time, different levels of trance can be manifested. Since spirit information flows through a living mind, with personal emotions, it could become clouded with personal influence by the medium.
    Mediumship, or communication with deceased loved ones, can be very healing to those of us who are left here on earth. The person going through a grieving process may need evidence to prove there is life after death, and reassurance that the loved one really is alright. There is a re-uniting of what appeared to be separated. Then closure begins.

    The spirit also has a real need to connect with their living loved one to let them know all is well. There is a reaching out by both parties to recognize that the bond has not been broken, just transformed.

    Then the deceased loved one has an opportunity to share the experience of transition. This gives comfort with the knowledge that death does not end life, but creates a new expansion of what life really is.

    Physical mediumship is accomplished by using physical energy, under control as in the mental mediumship, but usually from a much deeper trance. The spirit manages the transformation of energy into physical objects, movement or sounds. A paranormal event occurs in the physical, and can be felt, heard or seen by the living.


    This physical form of mediumship is probably the most unusual demonstration of what a spirit entity can do through medium control. Unfortunately there have been far too many contrived and deceitful examples of the séance event. Because of that, many people discredit the entire concept of mediumship.

    The spirit entity in control of the evidential séance uses both mental and physical energies of the medium to create a physical manifestation, something all those sitting in the séance as participants in the experience can witness. The physical medium has an abundance of electromagnetic and etheric energy (human energy field, part of the aura which is rich with human emotions) emanating as part of their aura/energy field. Usually, while the medium is in a deep trance state, the spirit being uses this etheric energy and creates ectoplasm.

    If you have ever seen the movie “Ghostbusters” or any ghostladen, scary program, you have seen a filmy or cloudy emanation around or coming from an entity, spirit being or ghost. This is the best representation of ectoplasm available. Although the medium’s etheric energy is the main source for the event, usually more is gathered from the sitters (séance participants). If the energies are plentiful, a large amount of ectoplasm is formed to work with. The use of personal auric energy is the main ingredient for this operation to be successful. It requires the full attention of everyone in the séance. This is why the sitters in the séance not only experience the event, but actually become part of it. It can be a very dramatic demonstration of energy manipulation by spirit.

    The Trance State: A deep control by the spirit will produce a trance state of consciousness with the medium. A lighter trance is used for mental mediumship, and a deeper trance is used for physical mediumship.

    Indicators for the trance state are similar to those for deep meditation. Trance can be recognized by the slowing down of many of the medium’s automatic physical body processes which are generally controlled unconsciously: heart rate, breathing and body temperature. It is not the same as the sleep state, but could be confused with it. For all intents and purposes, the medium is unconscious.

    Since spirit speaks directly through the consciousness of the medium in the trance condition, the voice will sound much different from the person’s usual voice. This is considered more accurate information and is often called direct voice.

    Channeling is a mild form of trance, in which the medium is usually still awake and aware of the information coming through. It deals with spiritual teachings coming from the higher realms. As I see it, if you are unaware of the information coming through, you are in deep trance. If you are given a trail of information as a conversation, a lecture or a class, then you are channeling.

    The medium gives consent to be used by the spirit being, by going into the trance state. The spirit is now in control of the energy transformation and can manipulate the ectoplasm to produce phenomena.

    A medium can facilitate physical phenomena because there is an abundance of this etheric ectoplasm. This is a part of the subtle energy body that allows us to operate as humans. In a physical medium, this subtle body is more loosely attached than in most people. {More on this in chapter 3 “How You Can Talk to Heaven (and How You Can’t)”.}

    There is no limit to what can be done through physical mediumship, as long as the proper conditions are held in the séance room. These physical phenomena can range from rapping, levitation of objects or people, flickering lights, independent writing/painting, direct voice, and partial or full materialization of spirit bodies. As a witness in many séances during my years in the work, I have seen a light show that would rival any rock concert! I have seen apports (objects materialize out of thin air) in full view during the daylight. It truly is amazing what can be done during spirit control.

    Why is it important to have physical phenomena? If the spirit mind (and we all have a spirit mind) can transform matter, then the same intelligence can transform other areas of life to manifest the world we know we could have. Information is being shared by many metaphysical teachers about the Law of Attraction and Manifestation. Physical phenomenon is another form of evidence to validate manifestation.

    Psychic Integrity, the Respected Practice of Modern Day Mystics, by Melissa Leath