Early Years


Donovan had self-destructive thoughts, was easily irritated, and did things on impulse not thinking through the outcome. Donovan also was suffering from PTSD because of his parents’ neglect. He did not sense a future for himself or plans for his life. It seemed there was no need to make safe choices.

He never understood what relationships were or how to interact with people. His parents gave him no hope in life whatsoever. What was the point? The only grace that saved Donovan is Rocky, a jumble of twisted hair that vaguely resembled a mixed breed street pup.

Donavon spotted this dog on the edge of town one day, shortly after his mother burned the cake. He was feeling really upset and just wandering around with a frown on his face. The frown was felt all over his body and inside too. He just could not make sense of the situation…

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Energies of November

Energies of each month come in with differing vibrations. November enters with a strong vibe, but exhibits in a way that emodies the Bear. Strength can be bold and outrageous; it can be soft and soothing; but November’s Bear comes in with subtle, long-enduring Power.

You don’t have to have huge muscles to be strong. It’s the Spirit and Intent that makes you strong. Knowing that Great Rest and Hibernation is coming, you prepare for it in many ways. Just as the Bear consumes as many calories as possible to make it through his dormant time, you may like to gather High Level Vibrations. Bring things into your life now that lift your spirit. Do the special little things that warms your heart. Sharing connections with friends you have lost contact with, or gather at a backyard fire pit with hot chocolate.

Bear begins to slow down and make every moment count. No extra movement as the weather turns colder. But the belly holds a Fire. Your Spirit is burning hot with lots of love to spare. Direct this Love in all ways, into every level of existence so others (who may be in crisis) can prepare for Winter also.

We not only prepare our lives and homes for the physical winter, but must also make ready a plan of spiritual communion. We ready ourselves for Peace. We Honor all Things of Nature as they prepare…