Some Thoughts on Parenting a Psychic Child

Psychic Ability is more or less within all human beings. Some – especially children and teens – have it to a greater extent than others. Since they are so sensitive, they need the attention that only parental care can provide.

There are many things you can do for your child to help them feel more balanced and in control of their gift.

Know your child. Be aware of their normal activities, how they usually act on a regular basis. Then use that as a way of comparing any changes your child might have. Pay attention to their dreams, any unusual experiences, or changes in their thoughts about things. Review them regularly. That way you’ll have a good gage to go by to know when your child needs your attention.

Study psychic knowledge, learn the lingo, read up on what psychics, especially teens with paranormal experiences go through. Find out about ghosts and spirit entities. Be ready to address any questions your child might have, and be able to talk like you have sense about the situation. Your child always looks to you for advice and information.

By always being honest and “upfront,” your child will respect you and trust what you have to say. If your child is empathic, they might know when you are upset or not feeling well. Don’t try to hide that feeling from them. Own up to your feelings or any health condition if your child asks you about it. I am sure you want your child to be comfortable with their ability to “recognize” or “pickup” certain emotions and illness. If you act like nothing is wrong, then your child will know that it is better to lie about their feelings than to be true to themselves. This definitely is the wrong message.

It makes them doubt their own natural ability to sense what is happening. Develop an open expression of feelings. Create a home where there is permission to outwardly express this vocabulary.

As a parent, you should be able to recognize the validity of what your children are saying. Yes, kids have very vivid imaginations, and try to get attention however they can. But you know when children are telling the truth by the seriousness, honesty or despair in their voices.
There are some who teach their children to ignore their natural psychic senses and messages, and to forget about ghosts and spirits. These attitudes make it confusing for kids. They get mixed messages. Life becomes difficult for them.

Reassure your children that they are not strange or crazy. Investigate your family, and talk with other family members who might have similar experiences to share.

If understanding what is going on becomes too difficult it may be helpful to see a paranormal counselor, or someone who has worked with kids who have gifts. Be sure to attend as a family to show your support and gain understanding.

Excerpt taken from Does Your Child See Sparkles? Help for Parents Guiding Psychic Kids by Melissa Leath (Copyright 2013) Available in paperback and ebook.

Where is Another Dimension?


Multi Dimensions

It’s not layers of dimensions all piled up on each other. That implies separateness. It’s all One, existing all at once in the same space.

We can only see one dimension through the eyes of a Third Dimensional Body Experience (human body). The higher (finer, or quicker) we can bring our frequency, then we can witness other areas at the same time.

~just a thought, Melissa Leath
Copyright 2017.