8 Ways to Move into Your Higher Vibrational Self


Here are some thoughts on defining higher truth for yourself, as well as keeping your balance while creating sacred space for yourself and others. (Ideas created in part from the book Spiritual Psychology by Steve Rother)

1. Focus on Empowerment. We often talk about being self-empowered. But now you must realize that others hold their own power, too — and it might not be associated with the way you understand. While moving in your world, always allow others to be who they are and believe what they want to. It is not for you to decide.

2. Intent. In the higher vibrations, there are no more secrets. Be fully honest and forthright in your dealing with others. Allow yourself and your motivations to be apparent.

3. Perception. Understand that a problem in your eyes is not always a sign that something is wrong. There are times when negative situations are necessary to facilitate change. What you see as a problem is merely one aspect of the Whole. You must view all aspects as perfect.

4. Truth. You must always speak your own truth. At the same time, acknowledge that truth is always a work in progress. Leave room for growth in the words you speak, and for those spoken by others. Let others stand in their own truth without feeling threatened by yours. Honor all flavors of the truth, no matter how different they may seem from your own. (We are not in a competition for who has the best truth..)

5. Balanced Ego. Always check the motivations for your actions or words. If your ego grows too big, it will cut you off from your Source. But, if it is not big enough, you will never be a whole person.

6. Discernment. Look for and make your choices without judgment. Carefully monitor what enters your energy field. Choose only those things and ideas that complement your own vibration. Everything else should be released without judgment. Learn to choose only what feeds and nurtures your Soul.

7. Mastery of Thought. You may not have control over the thoughts that enter your head, but you do have complete control over what stays there. Know when to replace it with an uplifting or loving idea. It is your responsibility to become a master of your own thoughts.

8. Responsibility. Do you feel drained? You may be trying to take on some else’s responsibility. You are only responsible for yourself. You cannot help anyone by taking on their responsibilities. You cannot do for them what they need to do.

As you can see, moving into higher vibrations requires a new mindset. You must redefine who you are, your responsibility to others and yourself. Ponder on these thoughts and see how you can implement them into your life.

Melissa Leath