Animal Instinct vs. Human Intuition: Are They the Same?


As I grew up, I seemed to always look at nature for solid answers or confirmation to ideas I was thinking about. To understand something, it’s always easier to look at nature. God gave the animals instinct to see them through their lives. What did He give to us humans? He gave us intuition.

To show the magnitude of intuition, I’d like to present some inspired information I have put together concerning animal instinct and human intuition. Through this channeled viewpoint, our connectedness with the animal realm will be validated. We will look at the events that could have happened to create the split between animals and humans, and how this influenced their evolution and ability to communicate.

Everything that was created or manifested by the Source was brought about through energy. All substance and physicality shared the same atoms. So, we all (animals, humans and plant life) were of the same essence.

We Are All One-Primordial Knowing
From the beginning of time, since all was created, life evolved in different ways as a result of the manner in which situations were experienced. But for a very long time, all remained as one, co-habiting perfectly.

Millions of years ago all breathing, sentient beings were in the infancy of humanity. This included animals and humans. For all practical purposes, there was no difference between the two. They were aware of outside occurrences, but did not “realize” that awareness.

We could call this inchoate consciousness: The basic movement towards humanity was in its beginning stages, at a very rudimentary starting point. For many generations, humans and animals lived on instinct and shared their spot together on earth.

That cohabitation was normal and created a base of paradigm thinking. This idea is based largely around oral folklore. Many consider folklore, or oral stories that have been passed down through the generations as being anecdotal. Hence, the stories are not considered as viable sources of information.

However, when stories are shared at length, and then published in a paper or review of some kind, they are then considered as case histories. This offers much more credence to traditional customs and beliefs. According to Webster’s dictionary, folklore provides the science that investigates the life and spirit of “a peoples”.

We also know that many indigenous people never recorded their history in the form of written words or scripts. But they kept their historic information, traditions and lineage contained in the oral teachings of one person usually called the records keeper.

This being said, we will consider the folklore shared here as being a reliable source with which to evaluate. The myths of that magical time when animals and humans shared cohabitation, tell that there were no boundaries. Animals and Humans lived peacefully together and shared a common language. Being able to speak and hear through the eyes and ears of humans and animals combined, brought about a phenomenal essence of majesty and the divine.

Humans and Animals originally were one and the same. At a time when there was no judgment or comparison—that is, a time of love and acceptance—all living creatures were breathing the breath of the Creator. All was One. Humans, animals and plants all lived within the earth as one organism.

An Okanogan Legend, “Creation of the Animal People”, will show the original spiritual connection of the two kingdoms. “The earth was once a human being: Old One made her out of a woman. “You will be the mother of all people,” he said.
“Earth is alive yet, but she has been changed. The soil is her flesh, the rocks are her bones, and the wind is her breath, trees and grass are her hair. She lives spread out, and we live on her. When she moves, we have an earthquake.

“After taking the woman and changing her to earth, Old One gathered some of her flesh and rolled it into balls, as people do with mud or clay. He made the first group of these balls into the ancients, the beings of the early world.

“The ancients were people, yet also animals. In form some looked human while some walked on all fours like animals. Some could fly like birds; others could swim like fishes. All had the gift of speech, as well as greater powers and cunning than either animals or people. But deer were never among the ancients; they were always animals, even as they are today.

“Besides the ancients, real people and real animals lived on the earth at that time. Old One made the people out of the last balls of mud he took from the earth. He rolled them over and over, shaped them like Indians, and blew on them to bring them alive.”
—reported by Ella Clark in the 1950’s.

Primordial Knowing
For several million years, our archaic ancestors lived in the faint dawn of reflective consciousness. Their capacity for ‘knowing that we know’ was almost entirely undeveloped. Consequently, our earliest human ancestors functioned primarily on instinct and habit. As a result their way of life remained virtually unchanged over thousands of generations.
–Promise Ahead, by Duane Elgin.

This instinct/intuition allowed for the natural response to events and situations. Those actions (opposed to re-actions) were honored and respected.

35,000 years ago, our instinct was sharp and necessary. We relied on primordial knowing. Acting in a perfectly assimilated environment came easily. Re-action only occurred when the first knowing (or instinct) was doubted or thought out twice. Reaction then became a contrived response, not the natural one. The human began to acknowledge self as separate. As humans evolved away from animals, they lost their primordial knowing. It diminished eventually to a state of mystery only a special few could tap into.

We, as humans have chosen not to rely on instinct in this day and time. Intuition is a luxury that only some people feel the need to develop or even admit to. It somehow has taken on a frivolous and rather illusive connotation. Our society has required more concrete means of maneuvering in this dimension. And many long forgotten abilities have become passé. The more we limit, the more we are boxed into paradigm issues.

Shift in Evolution: Separation
In his book, Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home, Rupert Sheldrake states: “In hunter-gather cultures, human beings do not see themselves as separate from other animals but as intimately interconnected.” This is made very apparent when you look at shamans, who are specialists at communication with other worlds by way of their guardian power animals. They are able to connect with the powers of the animal world.

This creates a type of mystique between human and animal. But they are guided by the animal energy and it imbues them with certain powers and abilities. It is ideal to show the extreme connection between man and beast.

Animals, existing closer to the earth, were able to encapsulate the spirit qualities within themselves: each one holding a different concept. When humans realized this, they became jealous and developed the ego instead. This was not right or wrong—only the way things were.

This change in awareness, perceiving self as different, created a very drastic shift in human development, which ultimately separated humans from the One. The “awakening of humanity,” if you will, transformed oneness into separate identity, and recognizing reality in a different way. The new human perception started to create its own reality, or dream.

The change in perception happened, by all accounts, around 35,000 years ago. Archeologists have recorded developments occurring around that time in the use of stone tools, burial sites, cave art, and migration patterns. A separate identity, ego, was slowly developing, and wanting to express itself in numerous ways. Instinct seemed to take a new direction by expanding artistic and creative senses.

Suddenly, humans began to “know.” It provided a sense of self-importance. And the separation from the One became deeper. As a result, humans began to feel superior to other beings, even though the others were still connected with the One and in total spiritual awareness. Humanity began on its adventure as a toddler in its growth. Humanity was moving away from universal unity, in an attempt to define Self.

Effects of Forming Society: Denial
Society, as well as other aspects, contributed greatly to the divide of what once was total telepathic communication.
On the way to becoming totally sentient beings, humanity has lost some very important things. Perceived connection to the universe is one. While developing the idea that we could “know that we know,” we also realized that we had separated ourselves from the One. Operating as one organism became the perceived illusion. Separating from all else was the reality that humans designed into existence. By doing that, we denied the validity of everything else.

Humanity began to think of itself as supreme intelligence. I tend to think of this time in evolution as being the adolescent: old enough to have a mind of its own, but too young to know how to use that mind. If we could use the example of a child around the age of 11, then we can see just how humanity was at that stage. The body is growing too fast to allow the mind to catch up, and the child just goes on its merry way, trying to fit in and make a stand in society.

This is very close to what humans were doing in their adolescent time frame. New ways to maintain lifestyle were being invented all the time. Self, and ways to accommodate Self, were the main focus. The fact that humans lived on the earth instead of with the earth became very apparent. We started abusing the very things that sustained us. The connection we once had to our animal relatives became even more disconnected.

As a result of that disconnection, humans lost the instinct and communication abilities that once were very much a part of our lives.

But the whole time, animals played a large part in our lives. They helped us cultivate and plant crops, travel long distances and even served as food. Stories of animal and human contact abounded. Folklore, such as that of the Native American story told earlier, was passed down through the generations. In the indigenous cultures, animal totems or fetishes became important parts of their lives, as well as, the belief that animal spirits protected them from danger, or could move them into heightened states of awareness.

As far away as we tried to go from our relatives, they were never that far from us. I believe animals knew that humans needed to return to the connection, so they did what they could to stay near-by.

Search for Spirituality: Recognizing All is One
As we started to view the universe as being a living organism, with us as an integral part of the whole, we could see that human beings really are connected to animal and plant life as well as mother earth. By realizing that important point—that we are connected to All—begins the step back to the One. Separation was only the dream.


As we bring in the thought of cosmo-wholeness, we generate a special frequency that can raise the vibration of the universe. And recognition of responsibility to the world becomes paramount. Suddenly we realize that the animals are our relatives. During this time of recognition, humans had developed a refined way of awareness. I believe that it was a type of instinct, but rather a “human version of instinct.” This was the beginning of intuition, as we know it.

This logically brings us to animal totems and guides. Also involved is Psycho Navigation, which is out of body flight through spirit animals.

Psycho Navigation is a type of meditation that is most conducive to connecting with spirit realm energies such as spirit animal guides. It represents a blended understanding of spirit animal energies, and learning to navigate through them.

This time in the evolution of mankind, the animal kingdom awakens us again to the connection we already have in the spiritual oneness. The spirit animal guides give us a chance to recognize this first through an inner search for self.

We search now for that past time of love and acceptance, when no judgment or comparison divided the One.

Opening the Door to Communication

“Instincts depend on the species’ habitual behavioral fields patterning the activity of the nervous system. They are influenced by genes and also inherited by morphic resonance. Through morphic resonance newly learned patterns of behavior can spread rapidly throughout a species. The learning of these new skills can become progressively easier as time goes on, and as they become increasingly habitual.”

“In human psychology, the activities of the mind can be interpreted in terms of morphic fields interacting with the physicochemical patterns of activity in the brain. But these fields are not confined to the brain. They extend outward beyond the body into the environment. These extended mental fields underlie perception and behavior. They also enable paranormal phenomena, such as telepathy and the sense of being stared at, to be interpreted in such a way that they seem normal.”
—Rupert Sheldrake, Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home

Instinct, as the noun is defined as: natural and unreasoning, prompting to action. The adjective, instinctive, is pertaining to nature, or prompted by, determined by natural impulse. Syn. Natural, involuntary, spontaneous, automatic, innate: intuitive. Instinctive connotes innate impulse or spontaneous aptitude; intuitive implies direct perception or apprehension, without reasoning.

So after awhile, humans may turn away from intuition, tiring from having to always defend their feelings, dreams and inner knowledge.

Humans have moved into the teenage years, recognizing that they had become more informed, but not always sure when that knowledge could be used. Becoming familiar with intuition as a viable form of information takes awhile to come to terms with, and use spontaneously.

Path to Completion
On our way to full completion: that of returning to our source of Oneness, we find ourselves always in contact with our animal friends. The bonding with animals formed very early on our childhood. Besides most of us having pets at sometime in our lives, we have been given teddy bears or stuffed animals as children. And who has not been told a childhood story about animals?

A normal aspect of human nature had been responding to life by forming relationships. And animals have been one of the most solid relationships we, as humans, have had. Isn’t it interesting that our pets always retain a close connection with us, and are exceedingly affectionate, no matter what the circumstances are? I feel this is yet another aspect showing that animals are instinctively keeping close to protect their relatives. (Quite the huge primordial knowing, I would say.)

The more we admit to intuition, and cultivate its tendencies, the closer we will come to the total intellect of the universe. We will realize the connection to All That Is, and by recognizing the Animal Kingdom. The combined energy can cultivate a serious surge in thought evolution. This brings Humanity into the young adult stage of evolution.

It appears that through our search of Self, we steered ourselves away from the very important part of ourselves—the animal kingdom. But as we continue on our search, we have found ourselves full circle back into the possibility of connecting again with our long lost cousins, and our original instinctive tendencies.

Copyright 2009-2015 Melissa Leath. All rights reserved.


About Melissa Leath: Melissa has been using her instinct/intuition all her life. And has taught others how to use it for at least 35 years. To find out how you can learn from her go to her website. She teaches many online classes and workshops, as well as mentors one-on-one.

Member’s Only Online Psychic Development

** Get your FREE Introductory Class, by signing up for the member’s only first month’s class! **
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Psychic Development Class Alternative

Can’t make it to local classes? Then this option is just for you! Self Study as You Want It!

For those of you who want to study with Melissa Leath, but live too far away to attend onsite classes, this is a wonderful way for you to participate in your own self-development, only in a closed, private group. Held once a month, with projects to keep you working at home. They are for unfoldment and development of psychic awareness and mediumship awakening. Both novice and seasoned students benefit from these classes. A warm and safe environment has come from these classes and all are welcome.

Class Format:

  • Monthly Online Psychic Development Class (Beginners or Experienced)
  • Video Package sent to you the first of each month, with follow up exercises.
  • Study the program when you have the time!
  • Guided Meditation Audio
  • Group interaction on a secret Facebook page the last Thursday of the month.
  • Many lessons taken from Melissa’s book “Psychic Integrity”.
  • **** You MUST have a Facebook account, and become a “Friend” to Melissa Leath on Facebook, in order to take part in the interactive discussion. (This is not required but included in the price. No price adjustments allowed.)

    Be sure Melissa has your proper email, since this is how the Video Package will be delivered. You can reach her at:

    What they’re saying…

    This is just a note to tell you how much I have learned and enjoyed with your 4 week series on my spirit guides. I have been able to make a connection that I never sensed before now. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom, time, effort and good heart. I am grateful to you and my guides. – John Wead, class member of Doorway to Your Spirit Guides Workshop.

    Your sweet, kind nature has imbued my life with so much knowledge and kindness. You teach without trying – what a great example to follow. –Jackie Stearns Jenkins, Intuitive Medium Reader and Massage Therapist

    To find out more click here!

    Who should attend? —
    Have you been getting psychic “hits” at different times of the day? Do you think you are psychic, but not sure? Are you interested in gaining control over this gift? Would you like to share with others of like-mind, in a safe environment? Then this is the class for you.

    Your Instructor:
    Melissa Leath uses her book Psychic Integrity, The Respected Practice of Modern Day Mystics as the basis for the class. It will be used for a foundation of her teachings. She has been co-teacher (with Sharon Smythe) for two ongoing development classes, since 2006, in the Ohio area.

    Melissa Leath, owner of Off the Beaten Path Intuitive Arts, facilitator of the Professional Psychic Medium Certification Program™, works with psychic/mediumistic kids and young adults in private mentoring programs. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Metaphysical Counseling, was certified as a spiritual medium in 1983, and ordained as a spiritualist minister in 1997. Life Visionary™ and author of a number of books including her newest: Does Your Child See Sparkles? Help for Parents Guiding Psychic Kids, her mission is to guide as many people as possible through her books, sessions, and programs. She teaches both online and in person, has taught meditation and parapsychology courses at Clark State Community College in Springfield, Ohio, and is one of only a handful of mediums offering classes for psychically gifted children. She has written for DreamWeaver Magazine, and is a regular featured radio guest.

    How to Lighten Up Your Frequency

    Lighten up your frequencies. By that I mean find higher vibrational things that resonate with you – instead of old, heavy, limiting thoughts and practices.

    In desiring to become more enlightened, you will naturally find yourself lightening up. We, as humanity are awakening. And we are searching out our connection to Source. By doing that, we turn infinite accessible light into physical energy. So we naturally feel lighter!

    There are many ways people have been doing this over the years. Monks and Chi Gong masters, for instance can generate chi (energy) from their own internal Light Source.

    Breatharians are people who believe they can “ingest” light, like plants. They do this by taking in the sun’s energy and breathing prana.

    You can use nourishing, high vibrational foods to convert your own body and mind to new levels of energy. Humans today are more sensitive and light than the humans of the past, so they require more living, natural foods instead of the heavier, dense foods we have been used to.

    No major changes are required to do this at first. Take your time as you change your thoughts and perception on how and what you are eating. It is more important to raise the thoughts you have about your diet. Be kind to yourself about it. Send love and gratitude to your food. Be present while you eat, chew, breathe, and have appreciation for this energetic exchange.

    Consider eating more organic foods, and add more raw fruits and vegetables to your plate on a regular basis. You’ll feel better – and Lighter!