The Circle: A Mystical Tool

The circle has long been revered by all cultures and religions as a very sacred symbol. Some say that it is because the moon or the sun is the first thing that primordial man saw as a repetitive and sustaining thing. The circle was something that was constant in their lives. And that is why they used it in indigenous drawings and spiritual rites.

Different cultures and beliefs have incorporated the circle.

In alchemical (or transformational) symbolism the circle is a center point of focus. Circles are a creative feature in esoteric alchemical art. Circles can be used for emphasis or highlighting a specified work within its border. Alchemists are able to focus on the function of the element circled. For instance, if fire is a feature in the work, a circle around it illuminates the focus of fire. You may see yourself doing this exact thing, by circling an important item in a list you have created.

Circles are protective emblems in the Celtic world. Circles are often drawn as protective boundaries, not to be crossed by enemy or evil. This would allow the space to be clear or pristine for specific endeavors.

Circles were also Celtic symbols of the cosmos – symbolizing the intangible procession of time.

In Chinese macrocosmic (as in the larger picture) symbology, the circle represents the nature of heaven (with earth signified by a square).

When we see a square inside a circle in Chinese art, it represents the union between heaven and earth.

In the yin-yang symbol, circular in form, is a significant understanding which includes the whole of duality with intent for unified balance.

The circle has a much deeper orientation in our understanding. It has a way of taking us back to where we started. It’s perfect just the way it is. It has no beginning and no ending.

The circle, when walked, can open our inner selves and we can truly see who we are. It creates an inner spiral. This is our journey home. It takes us back to basic understanding and values. It allows us to focus on the moment, not being distracted by past or future.

As we have been living our lives, society has taught us to un-focus from our true selves. And be distracted with mundane occurrences. As we are distracted, we can only access the holographic third dimension. This hologram is a result of being told what to think, what is important, what to wear, being wrapped up in television, news reports, and the unreal world. After so many people have been pulled into that way of viewing the world, it actually creates of false vision of what we think is real.

When you can take a moment and really focus on the whole world (not just the third dimension), life and life-understanding suddenly become much more simplistic.

The circle can be used in visual ways, through meditations or slowly walking in a large circle. It forces us to pay attention to the moment you are in: to be aware of what you are doing. You are able to focus your attention, create a safe space and see things in balance.

If you are interested in learning more about symbols, especially personal symbols, join Melissa in her workshop, “Your Own Secret Codes: Develop Your Language with Spirit” at LilyDale Assembly, New York on July 23, 2017.

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